For the Kaggle Landmark competition, they are using the GAP metric which fortunately already has code produced. But you can see the equation below.
Trying to create a custom callback, we need the prediction, target and a probability/confidence. I think this works but would love a second pair of eyes.
class GAP_vector(Callback):
"Wrap a `func` in a callback for metrics computation."
Compute Global Average Precision (aka micro AP), the metric for the
Google Landmark Recognition competition.
This function takes predictions, labels and confidence scores as vectors.
In both predictions and ground-truth, use None/np.nan for "no label".
pred: vector of integer-coded predictions
conf: vector of probability or confidence scores for pred
true: vector of integer-coded labels for ground truth
GAP score
Fastai Provides:
last_output: contains the last output spitted by the model (eventually updated by a callback)
last_loss: contains the last loss computed (eventually updated by a callback)
last_target: contains the last target that got through the model (eventually updated by a callback)
def __init__(self):
def on_epoch_begin(self, **kwargs):
# Creates empty list for predictions and targets
self.targs, self.preds, self.loss = LongTensor([]), Tensor([]),Tensor([])
def on_batch_end(self, last_output:Tensor, last_target:Tensor, **kwargs):
# gets the predictions and targets for each batch
# Indicies are assoicated with class prediction
_, indices = torch.max(last_output, 1)
indices = torch.as_tensor(indices, dtype=torch.float)#, device=device)
# Finds the class with highest probability
last_output = F.softmax(last_output, dim=1)[:,-1]
# Appends the list with the predicted
self.preds =, indices.cpu()))
# Appends the list with the target
self.targs =, last_target.cpu().long()))
# Appends the list with the probability
self.loss =, last_output.cpu()))
def on_epoch_end(self, last_output, last_loss, last_metrics, **kwargs):
"Set the final result for GAP Score`."
# Creates the dataframe
x = pd.DataFrame({'pred': self.preds, 'conf': self.loss, 'true': self.targs})
# sorts the values by confidence
x.sort_values('conf', ascending=False, inplace=True, na_position='last')
# Makes a column for the number correct. Is true if the prediction is the same as target
x['correct'] = (x.true == x.pred).astype(int)
# creates column for predictions
x['prec_k'] = x.correct.cumsum() / (np.arange(len(x)) + 1)
# gets the total score
x['term'] = x.prec_k * x.correct
# divides by the count of true
gap = x.term.sum() / x.true.count()
return add_metrics(last_metrics, gap)