Creating Conda Environment

As for the background information, I’ve started watching the DL Part1 and I have set up the server on Google Cloud using my mac. My question to you is two parts.

  1. I am wanting to create a Conda environment within the instance I was shown to create in the server setup tutorial. I can do so by doing conda create ... in the terminal connected to my instance. My question to you is how I can open a jupyter notebook specific to this new environment. As per the tutorial, once connected to Google Cloud, I open the browser at ‘http://localhost:8080/tree’. But as I have done on my local machine, whenever I have a new environment and want to open a jupyter notebook, I would ‘activate’ the conda environment and command ‘jupyter notebook’ on my terminal.

  2. It’s more general Google Cloud question. Instead of connecting to instance using give command ‘gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME – -L 8080:localhost:8080’, I can ssh to my instance by doing ‘gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE <my_google_id>@$INSTANCE_NAME’. In this environment, How can I open the jupyter notebook? I can prompt the jupyter notebook by typing ‘jupyter notebook’ and the terminal would give me the message ‘The Jupyter Notebook is running at : http://my-instance-1:8081/’, but I can’t copy/paste it to open the notebook, right?

Thank you reading the question and I very much appreciate your help.

Hi sohn21c hope you are will.
I use anaconda see below.

I right click the environment tab (fastaiv3_20190802) which opens a browser automatically with a jupyter notebook then I locate the notebook I require.

Not sure how you do it from the terminal as I haven’t tried it on my Mac.

I don’t use Google Cloud so can’t help you there!

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smiley::smiley: