Copy Files from Local Computer to Cloud Computer

Hi all,

This may seem like a silly question, but is there a simple explanation on how to copy files from your local computer to a paperspace or crestle virtual machine?

I have seen the notes from week 1 (see screen shot below)

Which show this when you click on the link:

But I don’t understand the general syntax (that shows how to copy files from ones home computer (or local computer) to a virtual machine). The general syntax is as follows:

scp -i “path to .pem file” “file to be copied from local machine” username@amazoninstance: ‘destination folder to copy file on remote machine’

For context, I’d like to run my own projects, using my own data sets, though, until I can do the simplest of tasks (uploading my own data sets), I’m stuck!

To that end, it would be great if someone could lend a hand by way of explaining, how to use (and read/interpret) the following general syntax:

scp -i “path to .pem file” “file to be copied from local machine” username@amazoninstance: ‘destination folder to copy file on remote machine’



if you have trouble understanding the command line scp, you can always download winscp and use the GUI.

The third example illustrates that scenario. has some other examples you can look at.

Many thanks Jay.

Ralph, this is great. Thanks for the share (it’s saved me hours)!