Contributing to the repo

Hey, this might be a funny question - but can I contribute to github repo?

If I suggest a new feature, should I just make a “fork”, add the code, then create a new PR, then wait to have it reviewed by Jeremy, then fix any relevant issues, then hopefully have it confirmed?

I’ve finally gathered some confidence in contributing to Github.

If do so, are there already built tests that I can run to make sure my new feature wouldn’t break anything?


open-source contributions! Contributing to the GitHub repository is absolutely possible, and the approach you described is the right way to go about it. Here’s a more detailed breakdown and guidance:

  1. Suggesting a New Feature
    Before diving in, it’s a good idea to:
    Check existing issues: Look at the Issues section of the repo to see if your feature has already been discussed or requested.
    Open a discussion: If your idea isn’t there yet, consider starting a discussion or issue. uses GitHub Discussions and Issues for feature proposals, so you can describe your idea and get feedback before writing code.
    This saves time and ensures your feature aligns with the project’s goals.
    Jeremy Howard and the community are responsive and often provide excellent feedback.
  2. Forking and Adding Code
    Once your idea gets positive feedback:
    Fork the repository: Click the “Fork” button to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.
    Clone your fork: Download the forked repo to your local machine using:
    bash myaarpmedicare login
    git clone Create a new branch: Always create a new branch for your feature:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
    Best Regards