Combining Tabular + Images in fastai2 (and should work with almost any other type)

Thanks for the quick reply and the link to the paper! Pretty interesting paper, might be my next project to try to implement it!

It’s surprising how it seems like such a common problem but without a clear way of solving it (I guess until this paper was published).


This is great Zach!
I got stuck on the same issue as @bwarner, but couldn’t seem to fix it. How would you go about creating mixedDL1 and mixedDL2?
I tried:

mixedDL1 = MixedDL(tab_dl[0], vis_dl[0])
mixedDL2 = MixedDL(tab_dl[1], vis_dl[1])
dls = DataLoaders(mixedDL1, mixedDL2)
learn = cnn_learner(dls, xresnet50, metrics=accuracy)

This returns an error: AttributeError: ‘MixedDL’ object has no attribute ‘after_batch’


You cannot use cnn_learner with this DataLoader as those models won’t work. You need to generate custom architecture. So it’s incomparable there is not fix.

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Thank you!
That makes sense.
I would love to see an example of a trained model for this type of problem at some point :slight_smile:

It is in the works. I don’t like non-training examples. But it will be a while

I have a generic version incoming that will be put in as a PR soon. All that’s needed is feeding in your DataLoaders and it will grab the appropriate x’s and y’s (without repeats).

Here’s the big behemoth and all of it’s glory:

class MixedDL():
    def __init__(self, *dls, device='cuda:0'):
        "Accepts any number of `DataLoaders` and a device"
        self.device = device
        for dl in dls: dl.shuffle_fn = self.shuffle_fn
        self.dls = dls
        self.count = 0
        self.fake_l = _FakeLoader(self, False, 0, 0)
    def __len__(self): return len(self.dls[0])
    def _get_vals(self, x):
        "Checks for duplicates in batches"
        idxs, new_x = [], []
        for i, o in enumerate(x): x[i] = o.cpu().numpy().flatten()
        for idx, o in enumerate(x):
            if not arrayisin(o, new_x):
        return idxs
    def _get_idxs(self):
        "Get `x` and `y` indicies for batches of data"
        dl_dict = dict(zip(range(0,len(self.dls)), [dl.n_inp for dl in self.dls]))
        inps = L([])
        outs = L([])
        for key, n_inp in dl_dict.items():
            b = next(iter(self.dls[key]))
            inps += L(b[:n_inp])
            outs += L(b[n_inp:])
        self.x_idxs = self._get_vals(inps)
        self.y_idxs = self._get_vals(outs)
    def __iter__(self):
        z = zip(*[_loaders[i.fake_l.num_workers==0](i.fake_l) for i in self.dls])
        for b in z:   
            inps = []
            outs = []
            if self.device is not None: 
                b = to_device(b, self.device)
            for batch, dl in zip(b, self.dls):
                batch = dl.after_batch(batch)
                inps += batch[:dl.n_inp]
                outs += batch[dl.n_inp:]
            inps = L(inps)[self.x_idxs]
            outs = L(outs)[self.y_idxs]
            yield (inps, outs)
    def one_batch(self):
        "Grab one batch of data"
        with self.fake_l.no_multiproc(): res = first(self)
        if hasattr(self, 'it'): delattr(self, 'it')
        return res
    def shuffle_fn(self, idxs):
        "Shuffle the internal `DataLoaders`"
        if self.count == 0:
            self.rng = self.dls[0].rng.sample(idxs, len(idxs))
            self.count += 1
            return self.rng
        if self.count == 1:
            self.count = 0
            return self.rng

    def show_batch(self):
        "Show a batch of data"
        for dl in self.dls:
    def to(self, device): self.device = device

And it’s helper:

def _arrayisin(arr, arr_list):
    "Checks if `arr` is in `arr_list`"
    for a in arr_list:
        if np.array_equal(arr, a):
            return True
    return False

So what was needed?

I had to figure out a way to first check how many outputs we had (normally), and then check that all of our y’s are unique, in case we merged two DataLoaders together who both had similar get_y's (or repeated x’s). This is done in the _get_idxs and _get_vals functions.


Awesome job @muellerzr. I have a really dumb question. Can this combination of text and images be done on the Datasets level instead of the Dataloaders level just as you have shown. My idea is to make everything into the datasets class and then use the generic fastai dataloader. It’s just a thought i had

No. We do it at the DataLoader level to avoid headaches of dealing with transforms. It’s a DataLoader of DataLoaders, never interrupting each’s pipeline. (You’d need to do this at that level because of the augmentation pipelines, even tabular has GPU transforms which get the batches)

I understand what you mean. The reason i had this thought is because if i were to do this in normal pytorch code, I’d do it on the dataset level. I still feel the transforms could be applied with typedispatch to the different tensortypes defined in a mixedDatasets and still be able to account for GPU transforms. I also agree that it’ll be a bit of a headache to implement. I’ll still look in to it and update if i have any good results.

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I think this approach is a bit complicated defining your own functions. Wouldn’t be better use the DataBlock API ? See for example this solution:
I really like the concise code :grinning:

I think for this problem (ISIC competition) the code should be something like this:

dblock = DataBlock(
  blocks=(ImageBlock(cls=PILDicom), # image_name
          CategoryBlock,            # sex
          CategoryBlock,            # anatom_site_general_challenge
          RegressionBlock,          # age_approx
          CategoryBlock)),          # target
  getters=[ColReader('image_name', pref=train_path, suff='.dcm'),
  n_inp=4,                        # Set the number of inputs

Or use get_x + get_y instead of getters + n_inp.

What do you think about it? How should be the transformation augmentation when you have multiple data types? I’m new to the library, I hope you find this approach interesting.

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No. Bengali is fine, they’re all image inputs, the DataBlock API is expected to work as such here. I even made a tutorial notebook myself explaining this. In a multi-modal scenario (what this is designed for), we have multiple different input types. Such as tabular + text, images + tabular + text, so on and so forth. There is not an easy way to bring this into the library, as it involves headaches with the transform pipelines, how do you deal with when you just want to augment your images? How do you make sure your batches all come from the same place? This is what the MixedDL attempts to solve. :slight_smile: What you describe is just a simple scenario where it works :slight_smile: (While yes technically that is multimodal, it’s a multimodal where the inputs are all the exact same, not what this is designed for). Does this help some? :slight_smile:


Thanks. Yes, headaches with the transform pipelines seems to be the main issue with a single DataBlock. Maybe a list of tmfs (each one for a block) could be a solution for future versions of the library. Here is some pseudocode:


See this thread to why that can be problematic. There’s a lot of workarounds needed here, as the text transforms/API is not the same as the vision, and tabular is a ballpark of its own:

(Notice instead of dealing with the DataBlock API we instead deal with TabularPandas, as tabular operates with this). This method avoids that ones headache, and thanks to the generic method, requires almost no overhead from the user.

If you can find a more successful route please let me know but I’ve been trying to solve this problem for a few months now and this is what I’ve discovered is the best solution. (And Sylvain agrees too)

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I found another solution :grinning: :grinning: As the docs suggests, Datasets could be the solution for multi-modal problems:

Because the fastai2 is very modular you can build very practical (with clear code) datasets :slightly_smiling_face: Check my toy samoyed dataset: :dog: :dog:

Captura de pantalla de 2020-07-13 21-13-13

Create dataset from pandas dataframe

dsets = Datasets(df, [#### Image
                       [ColReader('Image', pref=img_path, suff='.jpg'),
                      #### NumVar
                       [ColReader('NumVar'), RegressionSetup()],

                      #### CatVar
                       [ColReader('CatVar'), Categorize(), OneHotEncode()],
                      #### MultiCatVar
                       [ColReader('MultiCatVar', label_delim=' '), MultiCategorize(), OneHotEncode()]
                    splits=#You can specify train/val split here

Access 1st item

(TensorImage([[[0.8196, 0.8275, 0.8118,  ..., 0.5333, 0.5569, 0.5373]]]),
 TensorMultiCategory([1., 0., 0.]),
 TensorMultiCategory([0., 1., 0., 1.]))

Create dataloader & show batch

dls = dsets.dataloaders(bs=4)



Are those not all y’s you have there though besides the image input? If they weren’t, your cont vars need to be normalized too, and your cat vars need to be converted to integers with potential FillMissing, aka the entirety of TabularPandas. They have their own seperate preprocessing you need to take into account :slight_smile:

And preprocessing everything entirely beforehand isn’t very efficient, and gets rid of batch and item transforms :wink:

(Though we may discover a few ways for doing this task, so keep at it :wink: )

@muellerzr Thanks for finally doing this… i’ve asked several times if this was possible but got no response or comment from anyone :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I also sent you DM’s and got no replies… :scream: :scream: :scream:

This is exiting, i’ll be looking forward to the end to end example. :smiley:

the line b = next(iter(self.dls[key])) returns a TfmDL object for me which is not subscriptable and thus returns an error, although I pass Dataloader objects into the function. Im a little confused.

Need to know a bit more about what you’re doing to help. Are you passing in one DL? Or multiple DataLoaders to MixedDL

Sorry, so this is what im passing in:

def get_only_lateral_studies_data_loader(df_path):
    df = pd.read_csv(df_path)
    train_df = df.loc[(df['valid'] == False) & (df['Lateral'] != 'black.jpg')]
    valid_df = df.loc[(df['valid'] == True) & (df['Lateral'] != 'black.jpg')]
    train_tl= TfmdLists(range(len(train_df)), StudyTransform(train_df))
    valid_tl= TfmdLists(range(len(valid_df)), StudyTransform(valid_df))
    dls = DataLoaders.from_dsets(train_tl, valid_tl, shuffle=True,
                             after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor, Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats), *aug_transforms()])
    dls = dls.cuda()
    return dls

def get_only_frontal_studies_data_loader(df_path):
    df = pd.read_csv(df_path)
    df = df.loc[df['Lateral'] == 'black.jpg']
    df[target_label[0]] = df[target_label[0]].astype(bool)
    return ImageDataLoaders.from_df(df=df, path=path, fn_col='Frontal', shuffle_train=True, valid_col='valid', label_col=target_label, batch_tfms=aug_transforms())

dls_lateral = get_only_lateral_studies_data_loader(df_path)
dls_frontal = get_only_frontal_studies_data_loader(df_path)
dls_mixed = MixedDL(dls_lateral, dls_frontal)

And this is the Stack Trace:

<ipython-input-102-185f93ba75ea> in __init__(self, device, *dls)
     14         self.count = 0
     15         self.fake_l = _FakeLoader(self, False, 0, 0)
---> 16         self._get_idxs()
     18     def __len__(self): return len(self.dls[0])

<ipython-input-102-185f93ba75ea> in _get_idxs(self)
     36         for key, n_inp in dl_dict.items():
     37             b = next(iter(self.dls[key]))
---> 38             inps += L(b[:n_inp])
     39             outs += L(b[n_inp:])
     40         self.x_idxs = self._get_vals(inps)

TypeError: 'TfmdDL' object is not subscriptable

You need to pass in the individual train/valid DataLoaders separately. IE

mixed_train = MixedDL(lateral[0], frontal[0])
mixed_valid = MixedDL(lateral[1], frontal[1])

And then:

dls = DataLoaders(mixed_train, mixed_valid)

Let me know if that solves your issue @NimaC

Edit: ah, I did not mention this in the thread so far! Apologies! (BTW will be moving this over to this week, so it’ll be a more flushed out tutorial :slight_smile: ) I’ll likely make a helper function to do this as well.