Columbus, Ohio Study Group

Hello! I wanted to see if any “Fastai Live” students in Columbus, OH who would like to meetup to study and discuss the lectures/application of the latest version of the Deep Learning Part 1 course.

I am super excited for this course and would love to learn together with others in the area. I do have previous python and coding experience and happy to help teach if needed.

we meet in cleveland, oh weekly and have a about 40 people each week sharing knowledge & learning together
we started with v2 course part 1 and want to start part 2 soon! i am sure we will also be talking v3 course once started.
next monday we will be talking nn for structured data

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Hi. I am in Columbus and would be interested in starting a study group. I believe that there are quiet a few people in the area who are taking the course. Let’s see what we can come up.

The Cleveland group sounds interesting as well!

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Thanks for the info. A Cleveland study group is a bit far from me to drive. Great to hear that you and others are helping teach and promote fastai.

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Hello, I just started a discussion thread on fastai study groups to gather feedbacks from the organizers and participants in order to list the best practices and also to avoid some gaps.

You will find more information in this post. Thank you if you can participate in the discussion :slight_smile:

Are there people that are still interested in a study group in Cbus? I’m looking for a group/thinking about creating one.

I am in cincinnati and looking for someone to form a group. I can come to Columbus as well or meet halfway.

I am still interested in meeting up as well to work on the course content and outside projects. What course are you thinking about working through?

That’s awesome! It probably won’t be fun tough for you to drive all the way to Cbus tough :confused:

I’m going through Deep Learning For Coders Part 1 so it would be cool to have someone to do homework with and learn together! :raised_hands:

I also did Andrew Ngs Intro To Machine Learning, a few Lynda courses and udemy ones so I can help out with those as well.

@novarac23 I will dm you about meeting. Anyone else interested, feel free to dm.

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