Colab Clouderizer Script Hangs

I used the Fastai setup script from Clouderizer on Colab. However, the script hangs and prints this error message many times:

[ClouderizerService#1545091481281] INFO com.clouderizer.client.utils.Logger - code_option = url
[ClouderizerService#1545091481281] INFO com.clouderizer.client.utils.Logger - No data has been changed. Exiting Save Session.
[ClouderizerService#1545091481281] INFO com.clouderizer.client.utils.Logger - Output from Server …

Any help would be much appreciated.



Logs above are normal. You need to start your script on Colab and then switch back to Clouderizer console. While script runs on Colab, you can work on Jupyter notebooks from Clouderizer.
