Cleaning large number of images with large number of classes

I certainly didn’t mean to offend anybodies work. I think fastai in general is exactly what DL community needs and confusion matrix and image cleaner are tools that are extremely useful. I used them daily.
I was just referring to specific case in which I cannot use them.

Thank you for your replay, you sure gave me a lot of useful info. Notebook you send me seems like exactly what I need. I’ll try to implement it in my case. It might be less resource demanding than what I planned to do…

What I wanted to do; since i have 400 folders with car models images where some of the images are actually not recognizable as cars altogether (parts of machine, or car interior) I was thinking on applying image detection algorithm per folder(class) which will define bounding box when it detects car than I would cut that image and paste it to another folder where I would collect only cars that where detected in images. That way cropping would also be applied to object itself.
That seemed like 1. step and than obviously some of detected images might be too small after that kind of processing - I would need to remove them as well.
After that I would try to retrain model again.

Does this seem like scenario that might be useful?
When I’m done and if all works ok I will post a blog with Jupyter notebook as well.

Thank you for your inputs!

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