Chit Chat Thread

My twitter handle is @ ranade_shirish


Hi everybody, great to be here!
I’m planning to use Google colab, I did this mostly successful for the first part.
@ MrDavidKagan

Hi everyone, I’m watching the live stream from Singapore. Nice to be back again.

I’m @cedric_chee on Twitter.

My Twitter is @MoRachidi, I’m the lead machine learning @pixlee working on Computer vision + NlP problem applied to fashion and User generated photos. I’m Interested in NLP transfert learning and Generative gans.

If anyone is getting this error. This is how I fix it. I have multiple conda environments and even though I installed latest fastai on a new conda environment, the kernel was not getting set to the environment.

I installed nb_conda: conda install nb_conda

And that solved the issue! Hope this helps.

Hey people, I’m watching from Nova Scotia, Canada.

I used to work as a physiotherapist, then I taught myself to code and took these courses and now I work in healthcare analytics.

Im super excited about this course !! Good luck everyone

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Hello Everyone! Cristian from Chile. Interested mostly on NLP and I’m currently building a ULM in Spanish using TransformerXL.

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I wonder if how it will perform on different types of Spanish (like Mexico, Colombia, etc)

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@avinashljagdale here from India.
FYI, you can check my liked/retweeted tweets which I personally found helpful/interesting

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Shout out to @init_27 for his excellent paper series on Medium/Hacker Noon.

Part 2 of the series

Sanyam, what’s up with Hacker Noon leaving Medium? Will you go with? Or pick a different pub for your series?


I’m training it on wikipedia so it will mostly be a kind of formal spanish. I’d be happy to integrate a bigger corpus anyways.

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Anyone know what the wifi in this building is?

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I liked using freecodecamp for mine and it worked well for me.

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I’m getting
File “./”, line 15
fname_out = f’nb_{fname.stem.split("_")[0]}.py’
error when trying to run
!python ./ 00_exports.ipynb

any ideas why?

Is there anyone from Vienna, Austria in here? (Currently living here). Or nearby cities? Or Europe? Would be glad to meet practitioners from around town.

how many people in the audience there?

~200 watching live at youtube

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I was up all night yesterday going over Part 1 thinking Jeremy was going to
do some Super Advanced Alien stuff…

and here we are doing matrix multiplication! :stuck_out_tongue:

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So glad Jeremy is trying to warm the hearts of us former physics folks with the glorious Einstein summation convention.