Beginner: Setup ✅

Hi all, bit late for the party. I see that all of Jeremy’s notebooks are on kaggle. I’m using jarvislabs since I have an issue logging in with paperspace. I started a fastai instance but it only contains 2020 notebooks. And I see that 2022 notebooks are not all in the github repo. Should we just copy-paste code/markdown to the cloud notebook of our choice, or is there a good way I can import the Kaggle notebook into another place? perhaps download the notebook and open it in jarvislabs?

I might be wrong, but I think the Kaggle (2022) notebooks are not part of the fastbook repo at all. It might be a good idea to just download them from Kaggle and open them directly in JarvisLabs.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Non-Beginner Discussion

You can click on the 3 vertical … button on any Kaggle kernel and download the code.

Which downloads it as .ipynb file, and you can upload it to any JupyterLab, which is what you get while using Jarvislabs :blush:.


For those wanting to set up a remote backend on Paperspace Gradient while using your local VS Code editor, please see this guide I’ve created:


Using the Paperspace IDE and the how-does-a-neural-network-really-work.ipynb kaggle notebook I noticed the interactive widget flashes up but disappears when running. I tried installing some extra modules but this didn’t fix the problem. Then I discovered I can open the notebook in JupyterLab and the widgets work fine in there. I’m including here in case there is a way to get @interact working on the Paperspace IDE.
In Paperspace IDE

In Paperspace JupyterLab


The paperspace IDE is… not great. I wish they’d get rid of it. I recommend never touching it!


I’d suggest you not use the Paperspace IDE. They don’t support all the behaviours that the normal Jupyter (or Jupyter Lab) environment allows. I’m actually not really sure who uses their IDE / notebook environment as it seems so inferior to the real thing (as you illustrated in your question).

They’ve been improving it bit by bit, but there isn’t much of a way you can influence which features they choose to build vs not.


For those who are interested, it’s trivially easy to connect your local vscode instance to a Jupyter notebook backend on Paperspace.

Create a Runtime on Paperspace

From your default project, open the dialog to create a notebook. You will see the following:

  1. Select the “Papespace + Fast.AI” runtime.
  2. Select your machine type according to the options of your account type. Make it private access.
  3. Choose any other “Advanced Options” as necessary. But you can leave these alone for the purposes of this example.
  4. Click “Start Notebook”. You will be taken to the notebook editor

Open a Notebook on Paperspace

By default, you will see the Jupyter notebooks from the Course / Book in the left sidebar. Open one.

Note the VS Code icon in the left sidebar. Click it. A popup will appear:

At the bottom of the popup you will see a link to connect to your Gradient backend. You will copy this and enter it into VS Code

Connect your Local VS Code Instance to the Gradient Backend

  1. In VS Code, open a new Jupyter notebook from the command palette: CMD + SHIFT + PCreate: new Jupyter Notebook

  2. At the bottom of your notebook editor in Code, click the server option:

  1. A dialog will popup at the top of the Code editor:

  1. Click “Existing” and then paste in the Gradient server address you copied earlier

  2. You are now ready to run. Enter some code. Run it.

  1. You will be presented with a kernel selection box; choose the remote Gradient kernel you’ve just created (in this instance (05_pet_breeds.ipynb)

  1. Congratulations! You’ve successfully connected your local VS Code instance to whatever powered Gradient remote backend. Run what you wish, as you wish. Don’t forget to shut down your Gradient instance when you’ve completed your local work

This is also just as easily extensible to GCP’s Vertex AI / AI Platform etc


Has any one tried to setup fastaienv in Azure ML studio?
I have followed the instruction from GitHub - Azure/AzureML-fastai: Example code showing how to run FastAI examples on Azure ML
and got no errors while installing.

But I am unable to import fastbook

Looks like fastai might not be installed. You can check the fastai version by doing something like

import fastai

I’ve never used Azure ML so can’t help much in the setup type issue, but sometimes the path points to the wrong location and that means your modules don’t properly get loaded.

!which python
!which conda

would probably show where these binaries are being looked up from.


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I think it it’s because of the environment. I switched the default (Python 3) environment and installed using

!pip install -c fastai=2.7.4
!pip install fastbook==0.0.26

and I was able to import the libraries.

Thank you!

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On Kaggle I’ve noticed that…
!which python

which leaves me wondering if I would be better installing fastai using…
!conda install --yes -c fastai fastai
rather than !pip install -U fastai.

In terms of time…
Conda takes longer, since it upgrades 50 odd packages.
Pip is quicker, since it only complains about the dependencies it can’t check.

these links are giving a 404 error. they are probably broken. I noticed that issue when 2022 course is made available to all.

What links are you referring to?

at the top of this page, there were links for setup help on Colab, Paperspace Gradient, Jarvislab, etc. when you click it, you will be redirected to the,ai site and at the relevant section.
since this 2022 course has been released I cannot see this. in the below screenshot, you will notice there are sections on how to set up a notebook server and a full Linux server. this is missing in the new site. and at top of this thread, the links for the same were provided.
I hope I am able to convey my message.


@vivekharshey1 Thanks for the heads up. Those stale links have now been removed.
btw, The first half dozen Live Coding videos provide a good intro to setup Paperspace,

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okay, thanks. however I found those links still to be a good starting point. Particularly Jarvis lab page was updated recently,


I am trying to run fast book on my machine (mac os intel) I have done the setup using mambaforge, and installed fastai jupiter-lab and fastbook.

! [ -e /content ] && pip install -Uqq fastbook
import fastbook

When I try to execute the first cell, the kernel restarts:
The kernel for 02_production.ipynb appears to have died. It will restart automatically.

Any clues on what to look into?

Hello, I’m following along with the course, but am having trouble installing fastai. Below is an example where even on HF it cannot find the fastai module. However this happens on my local machine as well. I have Windows 11. I installed WSL Ubuntu and followed the course instructions to install fastai on my virtual linux environment. However, whenever I try to run some test code from VS, it also cannot find the fastai module. Where is it?