In Anaconda Prompt: go to fastai clone and execute conda env update. Then activate fastai.
If pip error: update pip from 10.1 to 18.
7: same as Jeremy’s HowTo:
make symlink to old\fastai (so that you are using fastai 0.7)
cd courses\dl1
del fastai
mklink /d fastai …..\old\fastai
if kernel not found when running jupyter notebook (i had that problem): then change the path in the Anaconda3\envs\fastai\share\jupyter\kernels\python3\kernel.json to Anaconda3/envs/fastai/python
when running lesson1.pynb if module not found error:
check in your fastai folder to see if the old\fastai folder has all files in it.
mine did not, so i manually copied the old\fastai folder from the fastai git to my fastai folder. (somehow files get lost in that folder during conda env update??)
Any comments regarding these steps and what worked for you, or did not, are welcome.
Thanks for the post, but as a beginner I need more information. Can you please elaborate on what:
4. Add fiona fix to environment.yml in fastai folder. What fix are you referring to?
7. Create symlink to \old\fastai. What is symlink named and how do we do this?