AWS - request to increase limit to g2.2x large was rejected!

As the title says, my request to access the gpu instance was rejected by AWS even though I was a past customer (had a tiny bill from them a couple of months back). I admit the description I provided was short: Deep learning course - they probably did not believe me. Plus the recent DDOS attack also did not probably help.
I reopened the case with a little bit more details on why I needed the instance but curious to know if anyone else had an issue with denial or acceptance from AWS.

Hey There,

This is normal, if you haven’t used the GPU instances with your current amazon account.

For security concerns against massive spam-bots to signup for free credit, there is an extra step to request for larger instances.

Usually the error is something like this:

You have requested more instances (1) than your current instance limit of 0

You can submit a request through here

@yad.faeq - it appears that @vshets is saying that they have already requested the limit increase, but it was rejected.

I’m hoping that the USF folks will be able to help us with this - they’ve asked their AWS contacts to provide support.


Apologies, I missed that first potion when reading it on the phone.

it might have to do with verified-non verified account requesting the limit increase perhaps. (I have had this issue before, but not with GPU instances)

Yeah … not sure what is going on … no tech support from AWS is assigned to my case yet (24hrs have passed since I reopened my case - guess it is the weekend). Hoping to get a resolution before the course starts tomorrow.

My increase reques (for a EC2 p2.xlarge) t was just denied based previous account usage. I have had the account for more than a year, but up until now, have only utilized free EC2 instances. My concern with this sort of policy from Amazon is that it does not provide a clearly delineated path for those looking to scale up their AWS usage due to taking a Deep Learning MOOC like

You can use Unless you have AWS Credits, Paperspace will be cheaper and there’s a Fast.AI image ready to go there. Search in the forums for Paperspace setup. I think there’s a $15 paperspace credit somewhere in the forum.

Note that you will also have to apply in Paperspace requesting for GPU machines. I would suggest put details that you are doing Fast.AI course and having a Valid Credit Card on the file will help getting it approved.

I have been using Crestle up until now. I tried AWS for two reasons, first I chose to treat it a part of Lesson 2 Homework. In that line, I thought that getting some extra AWS experience under my belt could not hurt. Secondly, I liked the idea of using it occasionally (couple of hours at a time), as Jeremy suggested, to train larger models.

Paper Space was the first account I tried setting up, even before Crestle. However, when I tried to create an Ubuntu instance, I was prompted to provide a reason for my Ubuntu Instance Request. I wrote that it was for purposes of taking the course, however I have yet to hear back from Paper Space.