Any interest in Seq 2 SQL?

The papers I posted just use SELECT, FROM, WHERE in addition to aggregation functions, and that’s it- as far as i saw.

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A simple SELECT X FROM TABLE WHERE X > Ywould be relatively strict forward, probably regex can do the job. But as you said, complexity adds up quickly if JOIN and schema have to be considered.

Here’s a small program that validates partial (or full) SQL statements from the command line. You could play with it, or shell out to it during a beam search and/or loss evaluation.

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Or just create a simple FSM yourself - here’s a helpful start:


Thanks Jeremy. I would love to create one myself to test my understanding, as this is a new concept to me.

First results after a ton of help from @hiromi at our study group yesterday:


tok_translate("""select *""", 5)


'select * from badges where _unk_ *'

Here’s another interesting result. I fed “select *” and the rest is generated from the model.

'select * badges t_up from users b t_up where is t_up null t_up and t_up not t_up exists ( t_up select * t_up from badges b'

Looking good! Since sql isn’t case sensitive you could get rid of the t_ups from your tokenized corpus btw.

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It looks good, I guess we have similar approach. Seems that you are also using the spacy tokenizer. But I first replace special token like “.” to " . " so that “” is three token instead of one.

Similar result that I get.

" SELECT * FROM where customer LIKE ' % < % ' or LOWER ( location ) LIKE ' % india % ' ORDER by reputation DESC ; _eos_"

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May I ask which dataset you are using?

I used the senlidb to start out with.

I’m working on a medium post to describe what this type of SQL generator could do for people and a little bit about how the actual model works.

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Yeah, I probably shouldn’t be tokenizing with spacy_tok, since that is more meant for sentences. That might help my results a bit. Could I see what your get_sentence looks like? Also do you think it’s best to have “bb” “.” and “id” to all be tokenized separately, or does it make more sense to tokenize them together? I guess the advantage of having them all being separate is that the model could determine this, but I think the column names are going to be the hardest part for a model to train since there really isn’t any consistency to the column names a lot of the time.

Imo “” shouldn’t be a token at all. It’s just “_xcol_” or something which will be a column from the schema provided at time of inference.

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In my mind, figuring out how subjects of the sentence map to specific members of the schema, is a separate problem.

My Code are quite messy at the moment, but it basically follow what Jeremy’s said.

For now I have tokenize “bb” “.” “id” as 3 tokens. I agree columns name is a problem as a lot of column/table names only appears a few times. When I call get_sentence(), sometimes it go into a dead loop and generating the same repeat words. I haven’t figure it out yet, not sure is it because I haven’t train the model long enough.

For now, I am trying to combine the Finite State Machine into get_sentence().

  1. get_sentence will call get_nextword(), where it is not actually a word, but a list of probabilities of all the token.
  2. the list of probabilities is passed into the Finite State Machine, where it will filter out the invalid word.
  3. Sort the probabilities, get the largest 5-10 words, and then use np.random.choice() to sample them to add some sort of randomness. (Hoping this can help the issue that the model always generate the same word)
  4. The word is feed to FSM and update the state and the word is feed into the next get_nextword()
  5. End when the generated word is “eos” or exceed a certain length.

I only have the simplest FSM at the moment, where it only accept a sentence looks like “SELECT X FROM Y”. I am hoping that to demonstrate a get_sentence() with/without FSM and show how a model that generating random sequence can be modified to generate a restricted form of sequence.

Once I can get FSM into the get_sentence() function, I will re-visit the FSM to add richer state that it can at least recognize pattern like multiple columns. It is more like a proof of concept, so I don’t want to spend too many times on making the machine a perfect SQL validator.

Regards to the “Column name only appears once problem”, I am actually thinking to generate sentence in a “Character Level”, except that SQL Keyword will be still one token.
i.e. a = 0, b= 1, c= 2 ,d=3, … “select” =50, “where”=51, and hopefully it can deal with the problem that tokenizing a unique column name as 1 token. But it is too much at my hands now, I am aiming to finish the whole thing and then improve it bit by bit.


I actually got to set aside some time to work on this!

So I’m at the pre FSM stage still, but I am generating random sql.

Some are definitely better than others, but I am not at all choosing ones that look better. These are just a few random ones. If there’s interest in seeing more of what it’s generating, grab my notebook below.

SELECT xschema AS xschema , xschema AS [ xschema xschema ] FROM xschema ORDER BY xliteral ASC ;

SELECT sum ( xschema ) xschema count ( * ) AS xschema FROM xschema WHERE xschema = xliteral ;

SELECT * FROM xschema WHERE xschema LIKE xliteral % xschema % xliteral ;

UPDATE xschema SET xschema = xschema FROM ( SELECT * , xschema ( ) OVER ( xschema BY xschema ORDER BY xschema ) AS xschema FROM xschema ) xschema RIGHT OUTER JOIN xschema xschema ON xschema ( xschema ) LIKE xliteral % xliteral + xschema + xliteral % xliteral ORDER BY xliteral ;

UPDATE xschema SET xschema = xschema ( xschema , xliteral , CONVERT ( xschema , xschema - xliteral ) ) EXEC xschema xschema ORDER BY xschema ( xschema , xschema , xschema ) ;

UPDATE xschema SELECT TOP xliteral _unk_ _unk_ xschema , CAST FROM xschema AS xschema ( xliteral ) ) , xschema ( xliteral [ xliteral , xschema ) , xliteral xliteral , xschema ( xliteral ) FROM xschema WHERE xschema = xschema AND xschema = xliteral ORDER BY xschema ASC , xschema ;

Just as a bit of an explanation: xschema and xliteral are either a member of the schema or a value, like a string or number, respectively.

I let it generate until it generates a semicolon.

So I noticed that I’m approaching this pretty differently than others. I manually defined valid tokens first, and it can’t generate individual characters, only SQL keywords, one of a number of symbols, and either xschema or xliteral.

Also training on SENLIDB like others.

More examples…

And here’s the notebook…


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I found the Tokenizer is not behaving as expected, for example, “id” is tokenized as “i”, “d”

My pre-processing step:

  1. pad space for all special token, ie !@#$%()
  2. do a simple str.split()

I read Tokenizer.proc_all_mp and found it is easy to build a custom tokenizer with multi-processing. I found doing a simple for loop is much faster in this case, maybe the operation is too simple so it doesn’t worth to use multi-process.

Interesting. I’m guessing this is spacy trying to tokenize I’d but even doing that without the apostrophe. Maybe intentional - I don’t know.

Although you probably should replace field names with a single FLD_NAME token. And probably shouldn’t use spacy for sql anyway.

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May I ask how did you come up with the SQL keyword list?

Googled around- i believe I used a combination of the Oracle and SQL server docs.