Announcing the "Hands-on Machine Learning" Study Group

TWiML Hands-on Machine Learning Study Group

Meetings: Sundays at 10:00 AM - noon Pacific Time, starting with an orientation on June 7th. We’ll meet in a Zoom chatroom created by TWiML especially for this group.

Textbook: Hands-On Machine Learning, with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2nd. ed. 2019, by Aurelien Geron. Cost is about $45 on Amazon, and is a small price to pay for the opportunity to experience this textbook – which provides a thorough introduction to state of the art techniques in machine learning as of 2019 – in the environment of a weekly remote study group.


Mastering the material in this book is an ambitious undertaking – it’s a long-term project. There are 32 meetings (not including the orientation), ending on Feb 7th.

The idea is to draw on the amazing expertise in this community and have rotating meeting hosts, one person hosting all the meetings for each chapter.

You are invited to write yourself in on the schedule for any chapters you’d like to host!

To participate in this study group,you will need the Zoom invitation. Join TWiML to get an invitation to TWiML Slack, then join the channel #hands_on_ml and you’ll find the Zoom invitation pinned at the top.

Special thanks to Sam Charrington for making this study group possible!