Announcing a New Mini Course on "The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning"

New TWiML Mini-Course starts this Sunday

You are invited to a special mini-course reviewing the paper
The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning (Terence Parr and Jeremy Howard, 2018)

  • Session 1 Sunday May 24 , 10 AM- noon (Pacific Time), covering pp. 1 - 13
  • Session 2 Sunday May 31 , 10 AM - noon (Pacific Time), covering pp. 14 - 29

These sessions will each be an hour and 15 minutes of silent reading, followed by 45 minutes of discussion.

To participate in this mini-course, you will need the Zoom invitation.
Join TWiML to get an invitation to TWiML Slack, then join the channel #hands_on_ml and you’ll find the Zoom invitation pinned at the top.

Note: This mini-course is not being conducted by Jeremy Howard.

Special thanks to Sam Charrington of TWiML for making this course possible.

Hi @jcatanza,
Something is confusing me in this paper and I could find someone else struggling with the exact same assumption on stack exchange.
Would anyone that participated to your mini course be interested in talking about it ? What would be the best way to do so ?
