Hi, my azure key expired after a week, and I don’t have a credit card. Does anyone know how to obtain datasets and continue working? I spend a good chunk of time searching online, but couldn’t find anything useful.
Should have searched the forum first
Thank you so much. I’ll remember to search the forum first next time
I did through a modified
google_images_download :
pip install git+https://github.com/Joeclinton1/google-images-download.git
next :
from google_images_download import google_images_download #importing the library
response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload() #class instantiation
arguments = {“keywords”:“titmouse bird,nightingale,sparrow”,“limit”:100,“print_urls”:True} #creating list of arguments
paths = response.download(arguments) #passing the arguments to the function
print(paths) #printing absolute paths of the downloaded images
can anyone suggest how to use this further in 02_production.ipynb ?how to correctly replace instead of
results = search_images_bing(key, f’{o} bear’) ?
I’ve made a simple module/file you can run in terminal with your parameters (keyword and #of desired pics). It does require Chrome, ChromeDriver and Selenium.
You can find it here:
Wow! This worked perfectly without needing to go through the painful process of creating azure account for creating bing api keys. Thanks a ton!
I’m getting this error:
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 1
----> 1 duckduckgo_search(root, "Cats", "cute kittens", max_results=100)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jmd_imagescraper/core.py:211, in duckduckgo_search(path, label, keywords, max_results, img_size, img_type, img_layout, img_color, uuid_names)
208 '''Run a DuckDuckGo search and download the images. Returns a list of Path objects for files downloaded to disc.'''
210 print("Duckduckgo search:", keywords)
--> 211 links = duckduckgo_scrape_urls(keywords, max_results, img_size, img_type, img_layout, img_color)
212 return download_urls(Path(path)/label, links, uuid_names=uuid_names)
File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jmd_imagescraper/core.py:82, in duckduckgo_scrape_urls(keywords, max_results, img_size, img_type, img_layout, img_color)
80 resp = requests.post(BASE_URL, data=params)
81 match = re.search(r'vqd=([\d-]+)\&', resp.text, re.M|re.I)
---> 82 assert match is not None, "Failed to obtain search token"
84 HEADERS = {
85 'authority': 'duckduckgo.com',
86 'accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
93 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
94 }
96 filters = ""
AssertionError: Failed to obtain search token
And I’m stuck on the solution. Does anyone have an idea for a solution?