A walk with fastai2 - Tabular - Study Group and Online Lectures Megathread

@foobar8675 our of curiosity, try using the dev versions of fastcore and fastai2 and see if you still get the same thing for me please :slight_smile:

gladly - but is there a webpage you can point me to to get the dev versions in a notebook?

The FAQ has this.


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Well, I tried to atleast. Thereā€™s a bit of madness on campus so I wasnā€™t able to get as far as I wanted. Iā€™ll keep everyone updated if I decide to do one in the middle of the week (as everything is closed down) but for the time being presume regular schedule of next week :slight_smile:

So will the next lecture be on coming Saturday pacific time?

Yes unless I state otherwise :slight_smile:

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I was not able to reproduce it. Are you doing this on the server or locally?

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oh ic. you are right. my last example had predict expecting a tuple of length 3, where this expected a tuple of length 2. thank you @muellerzr!

Pass in decode=True and your last one will be the class indexā€™s :slight_smile: (and youā€™ll get your 3)

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@muellerzr So I know I asked this before but am still stumped. do you know of any tabular examples that only have continuous inputs (no categorical ones) with a y_block of CategoryBlock?

iā€™ve been trying to tweak 01 - Adults.ipynb but havenā€™t been able to get it working. :frowning:

Can you describe the situation? I donā€™t think you should be using a CategoryBlock there

Sure, and Iā€™m just trying to get this working on 01_Adults so I can apply it to the kaggle ion switching competition, which has 2 continuous fields and labels which are categories, 0-7.

I took 01_Adults, and am pretending the cat_names do not exist, only the cont_names. I have block_y set to CategoryBlock as it is currently, and am assuming it to be a binary classification. Iā€™ve tried with procs Normalize and Normalize, FillMissing and get errors both ways.

I might be just misunderstanding, is the CategoryBlock not the right approach?

No it is, itā€™s binary (we could simply replace them with ā€˜yesā€™ and ā€˜noā€™ if we wanted to. This is the exact situation where youā€™d want to explicitly state CategoryBlock()). If youā€™re using FillMissing you should still be using Categorize as FillMissing will generate categorical columns

Hi everyone,
Iā€™m using this dataset:


Novel Corona Virus 2019 Dataset

Day level information on covid-19 affected cases

and Iā€™m having trouble understanding the data.
It has 3 separate time series data for ā€˜recoveredā€™ , ā€˜infectedā€™ and ā€˜deadā€™ and an overall summary data.
How do I combine these time series data to predict the fields in the summary data for the next month or so?
Please help me out.


i see part of my problem. the behavior is different between kaggle and colab. i noticed this



i noticed this at first when digging into the inference code

dl = learn.dls.test_dl(df.iloc[:100])

the dls is a different type on colab and kaggle. sigh :frowning:

Thatā€™s quite odd! Iā€™d check How the other dependencies line up (torch, torchvision, pandas, etc)

All, the plan is on Thursday I will do lesson 2 (yes with lesson 3 then on Saturday) at the usual time. My apologies for being so off-kilter with the schedule, Caronavirus etc has been difficult to work with for the past week :slight_smile:


@muellerzr I was trying to apply the Adults.ipynb example to Kaggle Categorical Feature Encoding Challenge2. On normalising the continuous variables, I get the following error.

I am not sure if the columns I have specified matches the criteria of continuous variable for things like day and month. Am I wrong in specifying it as a category

Itā€™s interesting to see that we are going to explore Rossman dataset with this lessons.

I had a question for you, I was planning to publish a few Notebooks in Kaggle with you, building on top of
some of the the notebooks like your Adult tabular notebook, image classification lesson 1. How should I cite you in the notebooks?

Thatā€™s a bug, Iā€™ll get it fixed today. In the meantime do reduce_memory=False

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