2022 Study Group Anyone?

@willsa14 @Aviz and @md_porom

Next study group is for Tuesday, Feb. 22nd at 8pm EST.

We will cover Lectures 3-4. During the study group, please feel free to bring to the group any challenges you have or any coding hacks you think the group could benefit from.

Google Meet Link

Thanks @bbrown will be joining the session

I’d like to be a part of the study group.

Can I just be there? Will it be a closed meeting or anyone interested can join?

i want to be there, i like group study

i like group study.

@styles @nastasiya09 Feel free to just join in tomorrow. (Careful on the time zones!)

@bbrown and others, sorry, I just realized that I have a commitment tomorrow night. I hope it’s a useful meeting for y’all, and see you next week! If anyone wants to meet a different night this week, I’m open every other day.

Hey Will, please can you send me the discord link :slight_smile:

Also, I’m on GMT+2 time, which means that a 8-9pm slot is at 3 am in the morning for me lol. Is there anyone else interested in doing a session at a different time slot?

@leo_9 This is the google meeting bridge code for the study group.


@willsa14 no worries. See you next week!

Is the study group happening today? … or we’re meeting some other day next week?

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anyone attending study now?? or is t postponed to next weeek

@Aviz We can join now… I jumped off because no one attended but I can jump on now and discuss where we are.

@styles @Aviz
you can jump on the study group here.

@styles @Aviz @willsa14

Great meeting you @styles and @Aviz. Happy to have you join our Fastai Crew!

For next week’s agenda. We will cover the following

Lectures 3-4.
Confirm the platform you are running your ML
What was your Eureka moment in your studies this week?
What was the most challenging?
Share out any hacks or resources that you ran across.

Here is what I came across last week that I would like to share.

See you next week!

Fastai 2022 Study Group
Tuesday, March 1 · 8:00 – 9:00pm EST.
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/amd-uwzu-wby

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Pretty new to fast.ai, though i have experience working with keras and pytorch. Would love to join the study group, if there is chance. The timezone works for me :slight_smile: Please let me know.

I’d like to join the study group as well.

Sure @sengopal. You can join using the link above.

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