2022 Study Group Anyone?

Another great study group session with @willsa14. We now have both feet into Lecture 4 and are continuing to go through key concepts like.

  1. What role does the accuracy play vs. the learning rate?
    2)Does the learning rate ever change?
    3)would you consider one batch, if large enough, a little ML which results are leveraged with subsequent batch results?
    if so, how does that work?

and many more wonderings we are musing about in our study group!

One key concept we are able to fully grasp, thanks to @Kerner, is the mechanics of how the mean is actually calculated on a 3 rank tensor.

you can find that answer at this link.

Next week we will continue to go through the concepts covered in lecture 4.

Hope to see you there!

FastAI 2022 Study Group
Tuesday, March 22 · 8:00 – 9:00pm EST.
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/oig-fpxf-ohn