How to set up Windows 10 for

environment-win.yml has been replaced with environment.yml recently


I followed the directions to a T.
In the fastai folder I typed:
conda env update
and got: conda not found

Its been years since I’ve used Unix but is this a path problem? Is there some .xxxrc file I need to edit and add directories to a path?

When I typed: jupyter notebook
I got the same error about jupyter not found

By following the steps listed under Optional Steps I did get jupyter notebook to work.

I can try : conda env update
when I next ssh into paperspace

Thanks for this! “New Installation Instructions” also worked for me on MacOs for local cpu installation,
except environment-win.yml replaced by environment-cpu.yml

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Today i have just managed to set up everything as per the instructions received on this link to set up the fast ai library and a python environment via conda.But i’m getting an issue wherein i have activated the new environment and from the kernel in the jupyter notebook,have selected the fast ai custom kernel.But i stll get an error saying that there is no module named fastAI.

Here are some pictures which can better describe the problem.

Hey everybody,

I can’t find an “environment-win.yml” file in the repo. I tried with the regular “environment.yml” file, but then jupyter notebook fails to import a bunch of libraries.

Anyone else have this problem? I’m running windows 10 and have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (although my assumption is still that it’s simply a problem with the environment setup).

Sorry if it’s an obvious mistake! I’m new to this!

Edit: I saw in the comments that “environment-win.yml” was replaced by “environment.yml”. So I guess my question is now: why are so many libraries missing when I try to import them in the jupyter notebook?


Check the step with creating symbolic link for fastai folder.
Looks like you need to start jupyter notebook from folder that contains symlink to fastai.

I had the same issue and I solved it by creating a symbolic link for the fastai folder like this:
mklink /J E:\fastai\courses\ml1 E:\fastai\fastai
Where the first link is where you want to have the link: E:\fastai\courses\ml
The second link is the source: E:\fastai\fastai\

Earlier I had a problem with the installation.
conda env create -f environment.yml
always ended with: Command “python egg_info” failed with error code 1
When I tried to run the bulldozer notebook some modules where not installed. I had to manually install bcolz, cv2, graphviz, sklearn_pandas, isoweek, pandas summary, torch, torchvision and torchtext to get it working.
Anyone having a fix for my problem?

Thanks for sharing this topic, I’m a beginner here. Hope this will work for me. Thank you. Go2top Power ISO Crack.

I’m getting the following error.

@Amol1 were you able to resolve this problem? I am getting the same error.

I didn’t try after that. I started using clouderizer for the course.

I’m trying it again now. Clouderizer is too buggy.

I’m getting the following error when I try to manually install bcolz

Looks like you don’t have Microsoft visual studio installed

Installed Microsoft visual studio still getting the same error.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Howto: installation on Windows

Thank you for the post. You suggest that you may connect to such a workstation remotely by using the “Windows Subsytem for Linux”. May I ask how this is done?

Hi Tokin,

I have the same problem, but i changed environment-win.yml by environment.yml.

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et voila!

Hello sir.Your share is really helpful.but I still have a question.This picture shows my problem.Could you please help me?Thanks.