Weekly in-person meet up in San Francisco?

Hi all,

I’m Steef, based in San Francisco and was wondering if more folks in the area would be interested in a weekly meet up to watch the class video. (Not live but at a SF friendly time :slight_smile: )


  • With Jeremy being based in AU and hosting the course from there this year, I’m curious to see if local folks in/around San Francisco are interested to join a weekly meet-up to watch the classes in-person together (at a San Francisco friendly time, e.g. Tue 6pm PT).
  • If so, maybe we can find a classroom style location somewhere and perhaps one or more in-person teaching assistant(s).
  • I’ve asked Jeremy if he has relationships with USF that we might leverage to use a classroom but no idea what will come from that. If anyone else has ideas, please comment on this thread!
  • Also, if you’re aware of any potential teaching assistants based in/around San Francisco who might be interested to help out, please comment below. (Also if you are that person of course :slight_smile: )

Please comment on the thread with any ideas, suggestions, if you’d like to join and/or help organize.

Please share your interest to join the meet-up via this form. You can also indicate your interest to help as a teaching assistant or your ability to help find a location.


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It might be worth seeing if there are any public libraries in your area that have conference rooms you can reserve as another option if USF doesn’t work out, depending on how big your group is.

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Great idea- Thanks Isaac!

I’m based in Sunnyvale but would be interested in attending in-person meetups for the course if there is a good space for it. Just putting in my vote for a Bay Area course meetup if the logistics work.

I would like to be kept in the loop about an SF study session, but still figuring out my work office schedule with return-to-office kicking off this month.

I’m in Berkeley and I’m open to meeting sometimes, for sure. Thanks for initiating it!

ok I checked, and its a No for Workday’s SF offices, sorry guys, I tried

hey all! I was curious if we got anywhere with this? I’d love to meet up with a few people. I’m in Oakland but am happy to travel to other parts of the bay

I am in Sunnyvale, interested for in-person meetup!

Hi all I’d be interested in a Bay Area meetup! I’m based in Oakland but I’m flexible to meet up elsewhere.

My company is also willing to sponsor a space. I can reserve a large-ish (14 person) conference room in our shared office space in Oakland (Temescal Works) depending on the time/availability of the meetup or can help figure out other options!

Hi all. Apologies for the silence from my side.

Unfortunately I no longer have the bandwidth to partake in this course live nor to organize an in person meetup.

Thanks to everyone on this thread for your interest and the 5 form respondents.

If someone is happy to facilitate/organize, I can connect the dots with those who completed the form. One form respondent indicated they might be able to help organize a space and another indicated they might be able to help as teaching assistant.

Please DM me if you’d like to facilitate/organize and I’ll check with the respondents if they’re ok that I share their responses so you can reach out.

Thanks and apologies for the disappointment!

You are welcome to join the #cluster-of-stars virtual study group. We meet Fridays at 4pm Pacific. Had roughly 15 people show up to the lessen 9 session.