Voila does not work for me

I found fastbook package isn’t included in requirements.txt of many previous example. You can check my repo if you encounter same problem:

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Thanks a lot @steve_dl_1

this solved it for me thanks. I just copied those three lines into a notebook cell and boom!
thanks D_SM

How to Deploy Fast.ai Models? (Voilà , Binder and Heroku)

Medium article:


I hope this may help.

Thank you Nguyen, this worked for me, wondering what is the relation to fastbook , wont fastai package be sufficient for this ?

Hi, new user to fast.ai - tried deploying to both binder and heroku, but it always came up with this screen:

My github repo is here: Any help would be much appreciated!

deploy logs seem alright for both heroku and binder, can’t figure out why this is taking so long (it’s always stuck at 16/33) - https://bear-classifier-dan.herokuapp.com/

Did you face this same issue? could it be the .pkl file being too large?

Not sure if this will help anyone, but I ran into problems getting Voila to work and noticed that this forum was dated (2021 and earlier). I got things working, so I’m posting my Git repository as a recent example.