Unet_binary segmentation

i have 6 classes.It’s a standard dataset so I can’t add more data.its a lung disease segmentation dataset.maybe I can try with augmentation.please let me know what augmentation techniques u used to get rid of the problem other than default augmentations in fastai @harikrishnanrajeev


Are there any methods in fastai or pytorch that automatically can apply offset tiles during inference? My Unet is definitely struggling with edge accuracy so looking for a way of improving upon this!

Was also thinking about experimenting with a different loss function that weights boundary higher, but haven’t gotten to this yet.


Ia m training a Unet learner and using dice (built-in metric) co-efficient and dice_mean (as shown below). However I am getting the metric score more than 1. I am not sure the reason behind this. Is this as expected or am I doing something wrong.

dice mean:

def dice_mean(input, target):
“Dice coefficient metric for binary target.”

# Threshold targs
n = target.shape[0]
input = input.argmax(dim=1).view(n,-1)
target = target.view(n,-1) 

# Compute dice
intersect = (input * target).sum(dim=1).float()
union = (input + target).sum(dim=1).float()    
dice = 2. * intersect / union

# Replace zero union values with 1
dice[union == 0.] = 1

# Return mean
return dice.mean()


Hello FastAi forum,

I am attempting something similar to this with my own data for a project. I have followed the steps in: https://www.kaggle.com/tanlikesmath/ultrasound-nerve-segmentation-with-fastai/data and gotten all the way up to the databunch. However then it says that I have 0 images in train or path. I am really new to machine learning and I need to finish this project. Any help is appreciated!

may be the path is not correct. try checking that.

this is my path. so it should be correct in the code: C:\Users\ahrial.young\Desktop\inout\train
there seems to be an issue with get_y_fn, but I’m not sure what it is

@imrandude how did you define a custom function to sort out this issue? i have the same problem and mask is not applying to the image when I put div=True!! in a case of dive=False it gives me device-side assert triggered… error.

You will have to debug your code for this to identify where its erring out. In my case I had to modify the base function “open_image” with

if div: x.div_(34)
return cls(x)

In the last two lines. I can have a look if you can share your notebook and code.

Hi embirbud, I also have a test on the potsdam of ISPRS dataset but I can not get the right result. Can you share the code including the data prepare and the training procedure? Appreciate it !

I added the following custom function because of having a 3 channel training labels:

class SegLabelListCustom(SegmentationLabelList):
def open(self, fn): return open_mask(fn, div=True, convert_mode=‘RGB’)

class SegItemListCustom(SegmentationItemList):
_label_cls = SegLabelListCustom

But I got the following error after running learn.lr_find():

AttributeError: Can’t get attribute ‘SegItemListCustom’ on <module ‘main’ from ‘/opt/render/project/src/.venv/bin/gunicorn’>

After a lot of search, I figured out that windows has some issues with the parallel processing modules of fastai. To solve the issue, I changed the number of workers to zero and it worked:
databunch(bs=bs, num_workers=0)