Unet_binary segmentation

I have also been working on applying the camvid lesson to binary segment classification - specifically trying to implement carvana with fastaiV1. I am getting the cuda runtime error (59) : device-side assert triggered error and believe I need to add a fix for mask opening.

Since the newer API instead of Segment Dataset believe we now use SegmentationItemList which does not accept set_attr( ...) or have div=True as an option.

would love a pointer as to how to appropriately set the maskopener in the new setup to account for binary masks of 0 and 255?

For reference my src/data at the moment:

src = (SegmentationItemList.from_folder(train_128_path, True)
    .label_from_func(get_y_fn, classes=codes))

data = (src.transform(get_transforms(), size=size, tfm_y=True)
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