Tips and Tricks to improve workflow

Didn’t mean the spot instance changing IP, I meant if you want to access your server from your phone, mobile hotspot, weak wifi, etc. SSH will end your session at inconvenient times but mosh is designed to deal with that.

For AWS spot instances, elastic IPs work well.

got it! thanks for the clarification.

Too many VIM fans out here :slight_smile:

If you want to setup Emacs with autocomplete, syntax checking, Jupyter integration etc., you can find instructions here

If autocomplete does not work, type M-x elpy-config to figure out what is wrong- Typically, you might have to install jedi and rope through pip.


just to add… if you don’t want to pay $39 for Mountain Duck, its [slightly?] downgraded version, Cyberduck, is free. The only relevant difference is it can’t mount remote folders as local ones, but it only means one more click (open app, click boomarked connection).

Gleb, thanks for the advice. Totally agree on Sublime (or other local editor). It’s not just aesthetics/habit… only with a local editor you can copy/paste code between web browser or your other local files and your remote stuff. Remote editing is not an option.

I just tried out VS Code today. It is a great editor, but auto complete for numpy and tensorflow modules take around 6-7 seconds each time. This makes it kind of unusable. I found lot if issues raised about this in github, but I guess it is not fixed yet. For now, I like Pydev the best. It just works.