Test Registry project

One of them is a hyper-link, another is collapse/uncollapse event handler.

I can’t see how that would help. We just need to be able to grow the test registry, so if somewhere a test is skipped it doesn’t get removed from the registry, since from the point of the user for whom we created this feature the test exists.

so it’s a pure technical change from overwrite to update (And doing an occasional overwrite to kill any no-longer existing entries).

any tests that are platform dependent could be marked and just excluded for now or get written to a different json for later consideration. It is a different kind of test really than these functional testdata plus asserts.

When we start updating, we always need to know, when to create a new one (e.g. when we find no file) or have some kind of upsert statememt

This is not it. It’s the same platform, and you’re unaware of some other edge cases, which I can’t explain at the moment, that are appearing as we speak. None of those edge cases existed when we designed the spec, and appeared after it was implemented.

Bottom line - need to be able to update the registry, while treating all tests the same.

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happy to make a PR out of updating the json, if its not too urgent and we plan here a little (as I don’t know the specific case).

updating a json in python shouldnt be an issue I suppose, just read the file, parse and search whatever id you need, update and write back.

but you decide if helpful pls, because handing over the task and reviewing might be more work than doing it?

I was thinking about it and I think yes more or less what you said but even simpler by merging instead of replacing each entry at a time.

  1. prepare the new registry dict as before

  2. call merge_with_old_registry (new function which does):

    a. Check if the old registry doesn’t exist return the new one
    b. if it exists, load it and merge the new one onto old one (direction is important!) and return the resulting dict.
    It should be a very compact 1-2 lines of list comprehension code by borrowing from clean_nb in tools/fastai-nbstripout

  3. write the dict as before

So really, there is just an extra merge step.

And if we ever want to reset the registry to discard old entries, we just delete the registry file before running make test-full.

So it’s a very low-tech solution. The bonus is that we will be able to discard the special flag and test writers will get to update the registry right away.

Implementation-wise, It’s up to you, @Benudek - I thought you are taking time off so I wasn’t proposing anything for you, but if that has changed, you’re welcome to tackle this.

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ok, let me have a look at this, maybe can do over the weekend. thx Stas

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@ashaw, found another glitch.

If I do:

rm fastai/test_api_db.json
make test-full

it fails in tests/test_gen_doc_nbtest.py::test_wrapped:

    def lookup_db(elt)->List[Dict]:
        "Finds `this_test` entries from test_api_db.json"
        db_file = Path(abspath(join(dirname( __file__ ), '..')))/DB_NAME
        if not db_file.exists():
>           raise Error(f'Could not find {db_file}. Please make sure it exists at this location or run `make test`')
E           NameError: name 'Error' is not defined

a chicken and egg problem there, since it requires the registry file to run make test (which generates it), and the latter shouldn’t depend on the former. It probably should skip that test dynamically if the file is not there.

Plus Error should probably be Exception?

Fixed on latest master - going to keep throwing an error for now until we know this module is a bit more stable.
I’d still like to know when db search fails

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@ashaw, what is the logic for related tests and how does it help the user? e.g.:


Tests found for fit_one_cycle :

  • pytest -sv tests/test_callback.py::test_callbacks_fit [source]
  • pytest -sv tests/test_train.py::test_fit_one_cycle [source]

Related tests:

  • pytest -sv tests/test_text_train.py::test_qrnn_works_with_no_split [source]
  • pytest -sv tests/test_tabular_train.py::test_empty_cont [source]
  • pytest -sv tests/test_text_train.py::test_qrnn_works_if_split_fn_provided [source]

I’m not sure how those are related and how this information is going to help the reader?

Thank you!

It’s just there for more examples of usage. If it doesn’t seem helpful we can take it out!

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Oh, for sure, the check should stay there - Just needed it not to impact the test suite.

And since we have to revamp how the registry file is update (see comments above), being able to delete the registry and re-create it will become important.

Your fix looks good now - Thank you, @ashaw

My confusing was about trying to understand why they are related and why I should look at them.

Basically, it is saying: here are other tests where this api has been used, right?

Great! let’s call it that. and replace:

“Related tests:”


“Other tests where fit_one_cycle is used:”

then it’s unambiguous and potentially useful.

What do you think?

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Awesome I like that. Naming is hard.


Indeed. God bless the “edit” button.

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Any thoughts on naming Direct tests?

Or should I just put them all under the Other tests where x is used umbrella

Meh for ‘Direct tests’, it’s ambiguous - the first group are direct tests too.

How about we start with an explicit ‘Other …’ and then improve down the road if someone finds a word to encapsulate this long phrase.

Moreover this is just a sample of those tests, e.g. fit_one_cycle is used probably in 50+ tests. So perhaps not to mislead again we use:

Some other tests where x is used

I know I made it even longer, but a lawyer would be proud of the choice! :wink:

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The cool thing about the test registry is its unintentional features - I already found several tests that were testing the same thing in slightly different ways, so I merged them and as a result discovered a bug in fastai and a bug in our registry. Awesome!

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Nice!! Useful already

To clarify, we should combine both Direct tests: and Related tests: into:
Some other tests where x is used: