Swift for TensorFlow

Where to find a debugger for swift notebooks!!!. Thanks. I tried with the ipython debugger but it failed on the import syntax also swift uses the lldb debugger.

For installation of Swift 5.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 I did the following.

  1. Install clang:
    $ sudo apt-get install clang
  2. (optional) Import GPG keys:
    $ wget -q -O - https://swift.org/keys/all-keys.asc | sudo gpg --import -
  3. Download, untar and move:
    $ wget https://swift.org/builds/swift-5.0-release/ubuntu1604/swift-5.0-RELEASE/swift-5.0-RELEASE-ubuntu16.04.tar.gz
    $ sudo tar xzf swift-5.0-RELEASE-ubuntu16.04.tar.gz
    $ mv swift-5.0-RELEASE-ubuntu16.04 /usr/share/swift
  4. Add to path:
    $ echo "export PATH=/usr/share/swift/usr/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
    $ source ~/.bashrc
  5. Test:
    $ swift --version
    $ swift
    and return to shell
    1> :exit

For other versions of Ubuntu, find links on the download page.


In an earlier post I had the same intentions, however I was advised in a reply not to persist with 16.04 as the releases does not get updated as frequent as the 18.04 releases. When I was looking at this 16.04 was a Jan 1st release and 18.04 was more than a month later. On the basis of this I updated to 18.04.

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It’s easy to mix them up but the downloads for Swift and S4TF are different packages. :smiley:

The one you can get from Swift.org is for regular Swift, which supports 16.04 just fine. The S4TF builds appear to favor 18.04 (although I guess you could build it yourself for 16.04?).

Hi! I have been studying Tensorflow lite, I found it quite interesting. Especially if you have to use edge devices like raspberry pi 3. However, the code should be written in c++ which is not what I wanted to do. Lately I am quite a lazy guy.

Yesterday I came across into TF lite experiments in Swift. What do you think about? could rPi3 + Swift + TFLite + (hopefully) FastAi be a viable way ?? Thanks

That sounds like a really interesting question to try to answer!.. :slight_smile:


“A year from now it’s gonna be mind-blowing” - Chris Lattner

With MLIR and Swift4TF v1.0, year 2020 is going to be exciting


Just to confirm, are you referring to https://developer.apple.com/swift/resources/? :slight_smile:

I am just getting started with swift

No, this is Xcode, not playgrounds. This is playgrounds.

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Hello all!

It has been announced that @clattner has left Google. How will this affect the development of S4TF and SwiftAI?

cc: @jeremy

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When I left, my understanding is that S4TF is doing great: it has a team with some amazing new hires, strong executive support, and a killer roadmap. It is on my todo list to clarify this, because this seems like a common point of confusion.


What’s about the course? Will you be back for this year’s course?

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