Strange error creating Dataloaders

I am getting a strange error when I try to create a Dataloaders. In the screenshot below, I’ve used factory method, but same happens with DataBlockapi. The error that I"m getting is:

RuntimeError: cusolver error: CUSOLVER_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED, when calling `cusolverDnSgetrf( handle, m, n, dA, ldda, static_cast<float*>(dataPtr.get()), ipiv, info)`

What’s odder is that if I rerun the cell a second time, there is no error. Any idea what is causing this? The full trace is long but here is the end of it:


Popped it into the search box and what do I know, someone else had the exact same problem a week ago!


I had exactly the same error. It is Pytorch Bug. If you upgrade your driver it will be sorted out. Which driver do you use currently?


I’m on Paperspace, so presumably using whatever is there. Not sure that I can do an upgrade. But if I rerun the cell, the problem seems to go away. Thanks.


As far as I understand, it happens occasionally, may be some servers are up to date some others are not.

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