Setup problems: AWS

Thanks, @rachel. Would I need to re-apply for another rate increase under the Ireland region?

Thanks for the detailed advice @benjaminramsden. I’m wondering if I’d need to contact AWS to have them increase my limit for Ireland, because at the moment the increase I secured seems to be specifically for Oregon.

Could anyone describe the cost of running one of these AWS servers and the expected length of the course? I had assumed that they were available for free, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Also, are there are any suggested ways to minimise the cost?

has anyone come across the below error
bash line 3: $’\r’: command not found line 7: $’\r’: command not found /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Anaconda2/Scripts/aws: C:\Program: bad interpreter: No such file or directory line 119: syntax error: unexpected end of file

@srikanth, maybe you need remove \r from your bash file

There is no \r in the bash file downloaded from git

i got this error too, but when i compared the file in my local machine the one in the github, i quickly realized my local file download the file with html syntax too, so i copied the in the github and replace it and it works. so open both files and compare…

Hi everyone, the setup worked just nicely! I also want to gain acces to the AWS environment from another device so that I show it to my colleagues about this course.

I ran the bash on the new device and ssh -i /Users/xxx/.ssh/aws-key-fast-ai.pem to start the instance, but I got the following error message:

The authenticity of host ‘’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is .
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Enter passphrase for key ‘/Users/xxxxxx/.ssh/aws-key-fast-ai.pem’:
Permission denied (publickey).

Do you have any idea what I need to do in order to make it work?

Cheers, Pieter

Your screenshot shows that your file is actually an HTML file, not a shell script. I can see from the wget that you’re not using the right URL - it should be from Or just use git clone to get the files - may be easier.

That means that you are behind a VPN or proxy that is messing with your connection. It looks like you need to open a browser and login to that network.

There’s quite a few threads on that - try searching the forum.

Somehow you’ve ended up with a password protected key. Might be easiest to start over.

Ah thanks Jeremy! When I ran the CAT command per the instruction video, the output was peppered with HTML tags… should have been more suspicious of that. Thanks for the help

I have a windows desktop that I used to set up my instance. I now would like to use my laptop as well when I am traveling. How can I connect to the instance from this second computer. The ssh is searching for a key that resides on my windows machine.

I am getting the same error and I have double-checked that my credentials file is correct.

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Sorry I can’t find the answer to this problem but something similar was asked by jhanna
My error message is
’ is not validred (InvalidID) when calling the CreateTags operation: The ID 'vpc-4571f723

I did change the config output format to text.
Below is what’s in my .aws/config
region = us-east-1
output = text

Please help.

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i am able to get around it by manually remove the ’ in the vpdID generated from the export :
export vpcId=aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block --query ‘Vpc.VpcId’ --output text

it seems to be a syntax problem. My environment is windows 7 pro + cygwin

Hi, i have been also struggling with the same issue but finally i am able to resolve it. Just wanted to share it with group so that others facing with the similar issue could get benefited…

Here is the brief summary of the issue followed by solution and it worked for me…

Ideally we would have two or multiple python environments installed within our system… In my case i had two version one was windows anaconda distribution, and the other version cygwin has installed for you.

$ where python

The problem was that cygwin had it’s own python version…but not pip…so when I used “pip install” in cygwin to install awscli, it was the windows/anaconda pip. The solution didn’t involve fixing paths, it would never resolve that with was these two lines which will solve the issue…

python -m ensurepip # install a cygwin pip
pip install awscli # to install awscli for cygwin

Run this command in cygwin (suppose you have installed it at c:\cygwin64)

echo “PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/cygwin64/bin/python” >> .bash_profile
echo “PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/cygwin64/bin/aws” >> .bash_profile
source .bash_profile

Run aws to check and it worked. Phew!!!
$ aws
usage: aws [options] [ …] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:

aws help
aws help
aws help
aws: error: too few arguments


I have the same problem.

I accidentally installed 3 instead of 2. There are a couple of things in the utilities files, etc, that have changed slightly in 3 that you’ll have to tweak if you use it.