Questions on nbdev

I think the latest PR merged is going to fix that issue for you, so use a dev install of the current master branch.

Cool ! will try to do so.

It did solve overwriting issue, but Iā€™m getting this error when I call nbdev_build_lib

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/bin/nbdev_update_lib", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastscript/", line 73, in _f
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbdev/", line 87, in nbdev_update_lib
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbdev/", line 125, in script2notebook
    [ _script2notebook(f, dic, silent=silent) for f in files]
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbdev/", line 125, in <listcomp>
    [ _script2notebook(f, dic, silent=silent) for f in files]
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbdev/", line 108, in _script2notebook
    l = nb['cells'][i]['source'].split('\n')[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Also, thereā€™s a diff in notebook, so CI is failing

diff -ru /tmp/tmpd62fbtg1/ /tmp/tmp81wg_ehv/
--- /tmp/tmpd62fbtg1/	2020-05-29 21:41:58.000000000 +0530
+++ /tmp/tmp81wg_ehv/	2020-05-29 21:47:32.000000000 +0530
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/08_CNN_Interpreter.ipynb (unless otherwise specified).
+# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/07_visualize.grad_cam.ipynb (unless otherwise specified).
 __all__ = ['show_heatmap', 'create_batch', 'GuidedBackprop', 'generate_cam', 'CamImage', 'get_at', 'show_at',
            'show_cam_batch', 'BaseInterpreter', 'batch_none', 'CamInterpreter']

I couldnā€™t find how to document about arguments of a method in nbdev docs. Also, is there anything we need to do to make documentation visible? like, calling show_doc every time after the #export cell or so.

What could be the reason for such messy table of contents?


This comes from jekyll not really nbdev: you need to have a headers in order: each function has an header of level 4 and each class a header of level 2 so you need to put a level 2 header before your first function to have a ToC fixed.


Yes. I figured it out with some experiments

What about this? Iā€™ve seen in fastai2 notebooks, youā€™ve written about them in markdown but this way it wonā€™t appear in the docstring of that method. So is there any syntax Iā€™ve to follow to document about the arguments ?

You can follow the markdown syntax inside your document and it will be properly displayed in your docs.

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Iā€™m bit confused about nbdev_test_nbs. Cells having the flags we pass-in to the nbdev_test_nbs are skippd from test or only those cells are tested ? I more interested in achieving the former behavior :slightly_smiling_face:

Looks like comments above the function are being removed in latest version nbdev (from sources).

# Adopted from 
def convert_MP_to_blurMP(model, layer_type_old):
    "Convert MaxPool/AvgPool to MaxBlurPool"

How can I make sure they getā€™s exported ? Copying it manually will be preserved ?

Iā€™ve opened #167 to track this.

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def tsne(x:Tensor,k=2,seed=47):
  "TSNE embeddings using `sklearn`"

Iā€™ve patched tsne to the Tensor class and it works fine with the code. However, when I try to run nbdev_build_docs, Iā€™m getting ā€œname ā€˜Tensorā€™ is not definedā€ error

converting: nbs/04_utils.ipynb
An error occurred while executing the following cell:
show_doc(Tensor.tsne, default_cls_level=2)

NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-deee42e37eb3> in <module>
----> 1 show_doc(Tensor.tsne, default_cls_level=2)

NameError: name 'Tensor' is not defined
NameError: name 'Tensor' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/bin/nbdev_build_docs", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastscript/", line 73, in _f
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbdev/", line 162, in nbdev_build_docs
    notebook2html(fname=fname, force_all=force_all, n_workers=n_workers)
  File "/home/kshitij/anaconda3/envs/fastai2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbdev/", line 537, in notebook2html
    raise Exception(msg + '\n'.join([ for p,f in zip(passed,files) if not p]))
Exception: Conversion failed on the following:

Can you take a look at
hopefully this replicates your issue - and also suggests a work-around.

Iā€™ve raised to see if this is an issue or intended bahavior

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By default, all code cells are run during testing. Putting a test flag (e.g. #slow) in a code cell means the cell will not be run unless you: nbdev_test_nbs --flags slow.
nbdev_test_nbs --flags slow will run all code cells without test flags and all code cells with the #slow flag.

so ā€¦ If you want flagged cells to be skipped during testing, donā€™t pass the flag. e.g.

  • you have tst_flags=slow|gpu|broken in settings.ini
  • you want to run all test that are not flagged with broken (i.e. skip the broken test steps)

nbdev_test_nbs --flags "slow gpu"

hope this helps (o:


Thanks @pete88b ! Iā€™m not sure I understood the workaround correctly. But I tried to add

from fastai2.torch_basics import *
from nbdev.showdoc import *

these lines in the imports cell at the top of notebook. It didnā€™t help.

Also, one thing Iā€™m finding difficult is nbdev_build_docs is becoming extreme RAM hogger. I tried setting --n_workers according to the no. of cores in my system, but eventually it acquires almost whole RAM and freezes my laptop.
Iā€™ve intel i7 7th gen processor with 8GB RAM and Iā€™m finding this insufficient for generating the docs. With normal applications opened, my RAM usage is around 2.5 GB but when I execute nbdev_build_docs, it almost every time finds the RAM insufficient and eventually freezes the system.

I think you need to try this instead, Tensor is specifically designated in torch_core: This worked for me and did not throw the error when building docs.

from fastai2.torch_core import Tensor

As for the memory issues, I noticed the same and I had to just stop and restart the kernel when my computer started slowing down.

I would also add to save on RAM only import packages that you need instead of using import *

Interesting! will try that. Hope someone will build a tool to convert all import * to only used packages :stuck_out_tongue: Just like InteliJā€™s optimize imports.

I guess Tensor is not defined in the fastai2.torch_core, rather itā€™s the original Tensor class from PyTorch. So Iā€™ve tried to do from torch import Tensor but this didnā€™t help.

donā€™t worry about the workaround (o: Iā€™m about to make a PR to fix this issue

iā€™ll try to take a look at memory use in the next few days - are you able to share the project youā€™re working on? itā€™d really help when iā€™m trying to replicate issues

I see but it did work for me, Tensor is imported from and this is imported into torch_core

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pull the latest when get accepted - this should fix your problem

if you canā€™t afford to wait, try adding a cell containing:
_all_ = ['Tensor']
run nbdev_build_lib then i think nbdev_build_docs will work.
please let me off if this doesnā€™t work - itā€™s just a quick idea iā€™ve not had time to try yet

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Can you please specify your solution. I have the same problem. Did you mean, that you forgot to push your local changes to your remote repository? Not sure what you did!