Platform: GCP ✅

Is fastai the name of your instance? If so, then I think you should remove the “$”

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Thank you, Jeremy. I have just sent the first 37 referrals (everybody who filled in the form by now, both students and @python_tip followers). I will wait until the decision about those 37 referrals is reached and continue if the most of them get through.

UPDATE (2018-10-28 20:23 PDT): So far, I have sent 110 referrals. All of them should have received an email from Google with the subject “Google Cloud Credit Program - You’ve Been Nominated!”. I still do not know how many people will get through the review phase. (It takes 2-3 days)

UPDATE (2018-10-29 14:39 PDT): First 25 referrals approved, so far nobody was rejected.

UPDATE (2018-10-30 14:40 PDT): Another 28 referrals approved (3 + 25 + 28 in total), so far nobody was rejected.

UPDATE (2018-10-31 23:30 PDT): I have added 54 referrals, thanks for your patience. Another 8 approved (seems to done in batches, results arrive every day at around 2:30pm). In total, 166 referrals sent and received “You’ve been nominated” email. From those applications, 68 have been finalized (“Here’s your credit” email). So far I have no indication that anybody would be rejected.

UPDATE (2018-11-02 19:00 PDT): In total 207 referrals sent (“You’ve been nominated” email) and 103 approved (“Here’s Your Credit!” email). I will keep the form open until Tuesday and then send all the referrals and close it.

UPDATE (2018-11-05 14:13 PDT): Eight referrals have been rejected today (“Application Update” email) including @jeremy. This is the first time that happens. I cannot identify a shared pattern, some of them have a weak justification but others seem solid. I apologize but there is nothing I can do. Another 32 referrals have been accepted today (“Here’s Your Credit!” email). In total, 135 credits given so far. As noted above, I will keep the form open until Tuesday (250 people applied so far).

I would like to thank to everybody reaching to me after receiving GCP credit. It is out to my capability to answer those messages but I appreciate them. Hope GCP will be useful both for course and your future projects.


Filled the form. Thanks for helping us out peter

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Wow ! How very nice of you. Thanks for taking the time to help the community.

On a side note, are you still working on genomic data ? I’ve some rough plans on using bacterial genome data (NGS/illumina) to build some basic prediction models to begin with. Would be neat to team up with somebody with more domain knowledge.

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Is this a problem with permissions? Try

git config --global ""
git config --global “your_name”


Could you post this great offer in the main v3 thread or notify everyone in here?
This could be a really helpful especially for people like me who’ve created the GCP few years ago and have no credits.

Yes. That was the issue. It was a typo mistake.

Hi, what If I create an instance with a single P100 and a 200GB boot disk and then later want to create an instance with 2 P100s it possible to use the same disk that was allocated to the first instance?

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when I reach step 4 of the guide (access fastai materials and update packages), git command returns an error “fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git”, could someone assist me?

Yes, possible. You need to tick the delete protection option to let GCP know not to delete the boot disk while deleting the GPU_instance. Next you can attach the disk while creating another 2 GPU_instance. I would suggest you to use an external disk for data storage purposes.


help, i’m not able to start my instance since yesterday
This error continues to pop up


As the message mentioned, try a different zone and change the GPU and machine type.

which means i have to loose the work that i have done on the previous instance

As I said in the message, you need to read the actual guide - each platform is slightly different. Have a look at my comments again, read the guide, then come back here and let us know if you get it working - and if so, what you did! :slight_smile:

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The options you described are grayed out, are they only accessible when the instance is active? Because, I too have trouble connecting to my instance atm

Click on the edit option above :slight_smile:

is gcp with gpu included in the $300 credits? i did the recommended gcp setup but getting this:

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/ in batch_norm(input, running_mean, running_var, weight, bias, training, momentum, eps)
1371 return torch.batch_norm(
1372 input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var,
-> 1373 training, momentum, eps, torch.backends.cudnn.enabled
1374 )

RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory

try running nvidia-smi from the terminal when connected to your virtual machine. that should show you whether there is a gpu there.

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oh my, that was silly of me, thanks a lot for your patience!

Has anyone had success transferring files between local machine and VM instance from the command line? I tried to use the gcloud compute scp command (ref:, but get the following error:

(gcloud.compute.scp) Could not fetch resource: 
- Insufficient Permission

I am using Windows Subsytem for Linux on my local machine.