As far as I can see, it’s just a GCP VM with an image that contains Debian, DL framework(s) and a JupyterLab instance.
Hi, I am planning to take a gcp instance with gpu from IT team. If they give us a single instance, can that instance be accessed by everyone in the same gcp project? Or do we need to take instance for each individual?
If that can be accessed by all individuals in project then can we use it simultaneously? Can 2 users work on same instance simultaneously?
Hi everyone,
I hope all is well.
I am trying to use an image dataset updated to Google Cloud via terminal, but things are not working out so far. I have updated my dataset - which is a folder containing other folders (format fastai/data/data1 ; fastai/data/data2…etc) to Jupyter but for some reason when I try to load some images on the notebook I can’t retrieve the path. I got the error: Errno 2] No such file or directory. I am sure that the path is correct.
That’s url to the dataset: http://localhost:8080/tree/tutorials/fastai/course-v3/data/GTSRB/Final_Training/Images
That’s the url given to Path: (’’~/tutorials/fastai/course-v3/data/GTSRB/Final_Training/Images/")
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help!
Has anyone manage to install S4TF on VM.
When I try to install S4TF using Jeremy's Harebrained install guide I got error “The driver requires root permissions to install”
its resolved by using command “sudo su”
hi there,
after you log on onto your GCP account by running:
gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME – -L 8080:localhost:8080
Do not type in jupyter notebook on the command line because the notebook is already open. Go to your browser and type in http://localhost:8080/tree
Hope this helps.
I am stuck in trying to connect to my instance (my-fastai-instance). I followed the instructions in the guide but am stuck. Once I start my instance from VM instances and then enter the below in Cloud Shell,
gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME – -L 8080:localhost:8080
I get an error saying
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) could not parse resource []
Can anyone please guide me on how to access the localhost:8080/tree.
Im using Windows 10 Enterprise operating system.
seems like i was able to connect
But when i go to http://localhost:8080/tree, i get site cant be reached…
when i SSH i get the below message:
Cannot access localhost:8080/tree after this…
any clues what i may be doing wrong?
Hi, I have been trying to get access to GCP instance and jupyter notebook but its frustrating for me. Hope to seek help from the forum.
When running gcloud on Ubuntu WSL on window 10 after installing gcloud SDK, i get Gcloud ERROR: Reachability Check failed.
gcloud init Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud. Settings from your current configuration [default] are: auth: disable_ssl_validation: 'True' core: disable_usage_reporting: 'True' Pick configuration to use: [1] Re-initialize this configuration [default] with new settings [2] Create a new configuration Please enter your numeric choice: 1 Your current configuration has been set to: [default] You can skip diagnostics next time by using the following flag: gcloud init --skip-diagnostics Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues. Checking network connection...done. ERROR: Reachability Check failed. Cannot reach (error) Cannot reach (error) Cannot reach (error) Cannot reach (error) Network connection problems may be due to proxy or firewall settings. Do you have a network proxy you would like to set in gcloud (Y/n)? n
I looked up the issue on google and tried
gcloud config set auth/disable_ssl_validation True
Updated property [auth/disable_ssl_validation].
but still cannot login gcloud, i guess it would be an proxy or firewall setting issue but i dont know what to do
i tried another way to request the instance according to
I successfully requested the instance and finished the installation. But I cannot open jupyter notebook in the end with the http://external-ip:8888 . It is the same as another reply previously. -
I tried to install google cloud SDK on window and request the instance. But the command on GCP setup guide on fastai website seems to be running on Linux.
I just joined the Google Landmark Recognition on Kaggle. There are 5 million pictures so I hope to give it a try with GCP. Will be very appreciated for any advice
UPDATE: I solved the problem by using method 3 - running google cloud SDK. Followed the instruction on the GCP setup page. Added ‘beta’, Removed ‘’ and ‘export …’ lines to request the instance and it worked.
gcloud beta compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME --zone=$ZONE --image-family=$IMAGE_FAMILY --image-project=deeplearning-platform-release --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE --accelerator="type=nvidia-tesla-p4,count=1" --machine-type=$INSTANCE_TYPE --boot-disk-size=200GB --metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True" --preemptible`
I wasted so much time on this just because of one simple trick and my lack of basic programming skills on Linux and cloud SDK. If anyone can tell me the reasons and where can I look for related tutorials, it will be very appreciated!
Secondly, my ubuntu WSl is still having trouble connecting to gcloud, seek for solution as well!
Hey @mansari and @garyLeung, and perhaps others,
I also was having trouble connecting to jupyter notebooks on GCP.
Once you’ve gcloud ssh
ed into the VM, try running jupyter notebook
at the GCP remote terminal command line. See if you get something similar to the following error:
[C 19:40:20.975 NotebookApp] Bad config encountered during initialization:
[C 19:40:20.975 NotebookApp] The 'kernel_spec_manager_class' trait of <notebook.notebookapp.NotebookApp object at 0x7f7f21ef1668> instance must be a type, but 'nb_conda_kernels.CondaKernelSpecManager' could not be imported
If you got this error or similar, then you’ll be able to fix the configuration and access your notebooks by following the steps here.
I found the offending lines in
You’ll want to change this:
"kernel_spec_manager_class": "nb_conda_kernels.CondaKernelSpecManager"
Be sure to remove the trailing comma after the bracket.
Then, restart jupyter notebook from the command line with:
jupyter notebook
There are warnings and many server extension loading errors, but so far all seems to be functioning. Hope this works for you.
Hi @nswitanek I didnt encounter such error but thanks so much for advice! I could access jupyter notebook now. Many thanks
are not saved in your variable environnement so your your shell see the name as $INSTANCE_NAME
and not the real name (the character “$” is not allowed).
You can either save the real names in your variable environnement or write the names directly in your command line, ie:
gcloud compute ssh --zone=us-west2-b jupyter@my-fastai-instance– -L 8080:localhost:8080
Hi, I try to follow GCP setup tutorial in here However, when I want to increase my quota by selecting GPUs all regions and location global to limit 1, i received an email stating that I could not increase my quota. Here is the email.
We have received your quota request for percobaan1-242110.
Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you additional quota at this time. If
this is a new project please wait 48h until you resubmit the request or
until your Billing account has additional history.
Your Sales Rep is a good Escalation Path for these requests, and we highly
recommend you to reach out to them.
If you have any further questions, please reply to this thread or feel free
to reach out to us at
Cloud Platform
I have contacted gc-team, but no response. Any similar issues? Need help.
I think you should elaborate more on the description of your quota increase usage. I just recently increase my quota and they kindly increase it for me in less than 4 hours
Thank you. I will try to elaboratemy description. I will inform the result immediately.
I have my data stored in google drive, how can I access this file in GCP?
[EDIT] I tried wget
This downloads the data to the VM, however, I didn’t want to DOWNLOAD the data but to simply access the google drive via VM.
Has anybody tried setting up multiple instances for various purposes but with a shared storage? I would be interested in having a few other instances for occasional use, for example…
- High CPU no GPU for occasional large preprocessing tasks
- A 2nd general GPU instance that I can fire up to work when running a longer train on my main instance and want to not sit around waiting for results.
- A non preemptible instance (most of the time for my work being preempted is fine, but when I need to do occasional long trains, it’d be good to have this option).
I googled but didn’t find anything easy. Please let me know if you’ve done this and how to do it so there is shared disk between multiple instances.
Just so this may show up for future searchers, when I ran the gcloud compute instances create
command, they gave me:
**ERROR:** (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource:
- Failed to find project project-id
But when I tried to create the project:
$ gcloud projects create project-id
**ERROR:** (gcloud.projects.create) Project creation failed. The project ID you specified is already in use by another project. Please try an alternative ID.
A few minutes I tried again later, and this time I got a different message (with the project number instead of the zeroes):
**ERROR:** (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource:
- Project 00000000000 is not found and cannot be used for API calls. If it is recently created, enable Compute Engine API by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
From that link I was able to continue as described.
Btw, you can find your project number by running:
gcloud projects list
Hi! Did you have successfully sovled the problem?