@ilovescience Thanks so much for making this.
One problem I’ve found is that in the most extreme case, when there is a class which appears only once in the entire dataset, the single example may end up in the validation set, meaning the length of counts
is less than the number of classes, so it cannot be indexed by self.labels
I think this could be resolved by changing counts
to be to same as self.label_counts
instead of np.unique
), and then each item in self.weights
will be 0 if the corresponding count is 0, otherwise 1/count, like this:
self.weights = np.array([0 if i == 0 else 1 / i for i in counts])
self.weights = torch.DoubleTensor((self.weights)[self.labels])
or alternatively
self.weights = np.divide(1, counts, out=np.zeros_like(counts, dtype=np.float64), where=(counts!=0))
self.weights = torch.DoubleTensor((self.weights)[self.labels])