Optimising class LanguageModelLoader()

Yep, it was working fine when i was testing on GPU with 32GB of ram now when I’m down to 12GB so I’ve postponed the work on bidir until i get the XNLI baseline done.

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Thx that was a tricky one.
I have adjusted the loading of batches in order ensure continuity pr row in the batch across batches + simplifying the code. I am fiddling to achieve the same accuracy as the current version of fastai.

I have previously used memory mapped files but i do not believe it is required here, because we just run through the data one small batch at a time.

Kasper, I meant to keep the existing code of data loader with minimal modifications to use memory mapped numpy. Your code is super smart but hard to read compared to Sylvains.

If you use mmaped numpy you may get the same objective and keep the readability unchanged.

i agree that indexing through the ragged arrays still looks complicated and i am not sure whether the code or part of it will be submitted as a PR. That will be up to you, sylvain and the rest of the community.

However, i have really learned a lot about python, pytorch and rnn going to this level of detail.

I am posting from my previous post from here.

Fine-tuning the LM takes an extraordinarily long time with a decreased efficiency. Please checkout this notebook. I think this was run nearly a 20 days ago. If you scroll down to the first epoch (after lr_find), you can see it took a little over 2 hours. And after running for 11 epochs which took about 28 hours, the accuracy is aboud 0.583.

However, during my latest run (about 10 days ago), a single epoch took over 12 hours and the full 11 epochs took over 5 days! And the accuracy was nearly 13 points lower (0.449). I used the same dataset with the same exact code. Everything was run in one session (ie, no closing the notebook and loading in the data again).

Everything was run on a system equipped with a V100 (16G of video RAM) and 376G of memory with the latest dev version of FastAI (I always do git pull; pip install -e.[dev] before I start my work). Any idea whats going on?

i have no idea . I do know that sgugger changed the tensor layout 1-2 weeks ago so that batch column is now the first. but that should not change the accuracy and i cannot imaging that it will change performance that much.

I am close to having a new version of MyLanguageModel so when i am finished we could test it out to see if that makes a difference, I would not expect so unless memory fragmentation is the root cause of what you see concerning performance

How is your language model different than the one provided by FastAI?

Could you elaborate more on that?

Perhaps @sgugger can shed some light on this. I could use some pointers on where/how to debug this problem.

I do not think that the LanguageModelLoader is the root cause because sgugger already made a major reduction in peek memory.

My version allocate memory for a tensor storage area and the then fill this storage without allocating new memory.

I’m curious whether memory reduction is the cause of performance (both in terms of runtime and accuracy) issues that I’m having, given that the system I’m on has adequate onboard memory. Unfortunately, I’m very much a FastAI user than a dev, so its not immediately clear where the problem could lie.

I had my system admins reboot the system as the system had been on for nearly a month. But a reboot didn’t help with the issue.

nvidia-smi revealed that the Cuda driver the system was using was version 10.0 and I installed Pytorch using conda install -yc pytorch pytorch torchvision cuda100. I’m curious whether the version 10.0 has anything to do with (although if I recall correctly, the earlier version of the code that I ran, also ran on Cuda 10.0).

I suggest using a limited amount of data to test. This thread (GPU Optimizations Central) can help for memory tracking.

another change a couple of weeks ago was that sgugger implemented a change to reduce the memory peek

Make sure that you dont have another process utilizing your GPU, this kind of training time is too way to slow for a regular bug, and I haven’t seen such performance degratdation on my tests.

Pycharm profiling works wonders with pytorch, run it on smaller dataset so it ends reasonably fast and keep in mind that most of the gpu computation and cpu computation runs in parallel (pytorch calls are asynchronous).

This is the GPU information from the target system:


Whenever I run my notebooks, I usually have a panel open running watch -n 1 nvidia-smi. Earlier when I ran my notebook, I got 96% GPU utilization constantly. Consequently, the runtime was limited to 28 hours (11 epochs) with an accuracy of 0.583.

However, in the latest run, I noticed that I constantly have 0-10% GPU utilization and only a maximum of 70% in-between. I have never seen GPU utilization of over 70% in the latest runs. Again, just a reminder, nothing has changed in terms of my data and my code.

Here is an example screenshot:

I can see how the runtime is drastically slower, since the GPU utilization is so much slow.

I am sure my process is the only one utilizing the GPU.

Unfortunately, I am restricted to the command line and Jupyter notebooks as this is a remote system on which I don’t have admin privileges.

Also, following my previous post in this thread,

I created a new environment with the default installation instructions, but no vain. Performance is still slow.

One of the things i do to minimize memory allocations is to reuse in memory storage for the batch on the cpu side and creating views onto that storage. This is a core feature of numpy and pytorch, but one can easily end up making a copy instead of a view. To test these optimisations i have created a notebook : https://github.com/kasparlund/nlp/blob/master/test_np_pytorch_storage_views.ipynb

Here is an update. I started checking out earlier release branches and running through the same code, since I knew everything worked well before. I started working from branch release-1.0.35. I worked through each release running the same code including databunch creation and running the language model for 1 epoch.

I find that, speed is same up until release-1.0.39. Up until this release, a single epoch for my dataset takes a little over 2 hours (I didn’t run it for the entire 2 hours, I’m just going by the estimate). When I ran it in release-1.0.39, the estimate for a single epoch was more than 12 hours.

So, as far as I can tell, wrt to the language model fine-tuning code, changes from release-1.0.38 to release-1.0.39 seems to have drastically affected performance in terms of GPU speed. I could also take a guess and say this would also affect performance in terms of accuracy.

I’m hoping this information will help in diagnosing the problem further.


I’d need a reproducible example of that. Is it only for a very large dataset? I haven’t seen any drop in speed on my side, but you’re not the first one to report this.

It is on a relatively large dataset. Should I just link a notebook with my code? This notebook is pretty much what I executed for all the texts. This one was run earlier when everything was working well.

Whats the best way for me to share an example?

I’m trying to use github’s compare facility to compare the changes between master and release-1.0.38 here. But it shows that only the version file has been changed. However, the branch itself is 212 commits behind master. I’m confused as to what was changed in text.

I also saw a slowdown with a big data set but had yet to dig into it.

I have managed to replicate the problem in a compact way (I think) by mocking up a big data set from, then look at the estimates. You can make the data arbirarily large and I am not sure how much that slows things down, but it is consistently slower with the newer version.

In this below example (aprox):

v1.0.40dev0 : 51 minutes (top of graphic)
v1.0.37 : 36 minutes

Between these two versions the batch sized was moved to the first dimension. I wonder if Pytorch or CUDNN has some optimization that you lose when you change that. It is only a guess, I have not looked into detail.

Here is the code to replicated it. I also posted as a gist here in case that is easier since I did the test in a notebook.

from fastai import *
from fastai.text import *

imdb = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)
df = pd.read_csv(imdb/'texts.csv')
replicated_data = pd.concat([df.copy() for _ in range(300)]) #you can make this large or small at will...

data_lm = TextLMDataBunch.from_df('./',replicated_data,df)

bptt = 100
emb_sz,nh,nl = 400,1111,2

learn = language_model_learner(data_lm,bptt,emb_sz,nh,nl,drop_mult=0.5,qrnn=True)

learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 3.e-2, moms=(0.9,0.8), wd=0.01, pct_start=0.25)