@marcrasi Are there any restrictions for packages that can be installed & imported in the swift-jupyter?
I’m trying to play with Vapor package (which is silly to do in jupyter I know ), but:
import Vapor
expression failed to parse, unknown error
After that the kernel is in bad state:
Kernel is in a bad state. Try restarting the kernel.
Exception in `_execute_cell`:
Error setting parent message: SwiftError(result=<lldb.SBValue; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'lldb::SBValue *' at 0x7f7344336f00> >, description='error: <Cell 8>:2:13: error: use of unresolved identifier \'JupyterKernel\'\n JupyterKernel.communicator.updateParentMessage(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nerror: <Cell 8>:3:21: error: use of unresolved identifier \'KernelCommunicator\'\n to: KernelCommunicator.ParentMessage(json: "{\\"header\\": {\\"msg_id\\": \\"5AC9351C07524D46896CB1F193D91480\\", \\"username\\": \\"username\\", \\"session\\": \\"5E1E5CA9481F4D3D8B54FCFAFE910FE5\\", \\"msg_type\\": \\"execute_request\\", \\"version\\": \\"5.2\\", \\"date\\": \\"2019-04-24T17:39:36.779166+00:00\\"}, \\"msg_id\\": \\"5AC9351C07524D46896CB1F193D91480\\", \\"msg_type\\": \\"execute_request\\", \\"parent_header\\": {}, \\"metadata\\": {}, \\"content\\": {\\"code\\": \\"print(\\\\\\"test\\\\\\")\\", \\"silent\\": false, \\"store_history\\": true, \\"user_expressions\\": {}, \\"allow_stdin\\": true, \\"stop_on_error\\": true}, \\"buffers\\": []}"))\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n')
Problem reproduces in Colab and in local docker image with swift-jupyter (LLVM dcb9eb74a7, Clang 95cdf7c9af, Swift 4c94878dd2; swift-jupyter rev. 1e08b1d).
However, in the same docker container, I can compile & start my app that uses Vapor package.
Can you advice how to troubleshoot what’s causing this? Thanks!