Nbdev_xxx commands don't do anything

I’m an absolute newbie with nbdev and haven’t been able to get it to work. Working within a jupyter terminal I seem to be able to issue git commands, but any nbdev_xxx commands seem to do nothing. They don’t return an error message, but they also don’t seem to do anything (even nbdev_help). I recently installed Anaconda on a Windows 11 machine. I tried to follow the nbdev tutorials (both written walk through and the video tutorial) and can’t figure out what the issue is. I’m hoping someone can give me a hand as I am very interested in getting nbdev to work.

Are you using WSL? nbdev doesn’t work with Powershell or Command Prompt.

Definitely not using WSL. I think I mostly used the terminal within JupyterLab to execute the various commands. I ended up wiping everything out and trying again, using pip instead of conda and now the commands seem to do something, although the nbdev_new command does not generate any notebook files which the tutorials imply it should.

I see now that I missed the WSL bit in the getting started info. I’ve never used it. Does it mean that I have to use reinstall Linux versions of everything? I am not clear on how integrated/separate WSL is from Windows.

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

JupyterLab uses the shell from which you launched it from. So when you were using JupyterLab, it was using either Powershell or Command Prompt (these are shells; shells are used inside terminals).

Though I don’t use Windows and from what I know, WSL is essentially a Linux installation inside of Windows that you can access through a terminal (and File Explorer too I think). So you will have to reinstall libraries. The shell you’ll be using to access WSL will be bash I think.

There’s this guide on the forums you can try following to setup WSL: How to properly install FastAI on a Windows 11 Machine (WSL) - A 2023 guide

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It works in windows cmd shell but it has to be installed using pip and not conda/mamba

conda remove nbdev
pip install nbdev