Nbdev v2 codebase falls short of literate programming

@hugetim I can’t comment on nbdev v1 or the sizzly comparison as I haven’t dug into v1 before. But this does encourage me to check out the v1 notebooks next time I’m trying to understand nbdev’s approach a bit better.

I had a recent dive into nbdev_readme and then serve.proc_nbs that seems to parallel your exploration a bit:
Nbdev_readme vs. nbdev_test - nbdev - fast.ai Course Forums

(It looks like you’re doing something with Scala, though, so I bet there’s some differences as well.)

I’d be curious if my issue is similar to yours or if there’s any specific questions about nbdev_proc that I might also have wondered.

I understand this topic is a little like the jumping off point for what you’re trying to say here, so almost could be a separate thread… but chiming in anyway.

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