Nbdev and other git repos

Thanks @jeremy, I will test with our git repo (tuleap) and post back.

I wanted to have info on how to use nbdev with other git repos (gitlab, or tuleap). Also, when I open the docs/index file.

I have seen similar issues when building the site with github and hosting on netlify. I don’t use any CNAME. I do a setup on netlify to pull /docs folder on each push. When building locally, I can get some rendering to work ( although theme is messed up ) but links in sidebar on local site don’t work at all. They still try to go to netlify links which is not available locally

This is my settings.ini which works on netlify , but causes issues when building locally

doc_host =  https://<name>.netlify.com
doc_baseurl = %(doc_host)s/
git_url = https://github.com/%(user)s/%(lib_name)s/tree/%(branch)s/

Due to commercial constraints, we are usually not allowed to put complete source code in open . An ideal setup for me while building a package using nbdev in our office setting would be

  • Build it in 2 branches on a private git repository [ public , master]

  • Expose public branch using a netlify or similar hosting site. This can expose api, documentation and tutorials (all built using jupyter notebook) for using the package to public [or our customers]

  • Build a more private branch locally with more notebooks which use the same package but on our internal datasets which can’t be shared outside.

  • Eventually convince the company to release some of the source code publicly through some licensing mechanism

We use azure devop and gitlab for our internal developments. Along with this answer, I would appreciate some feedback on handling such use cases from the team.

Note: I realize I am asking 2 questions which is not recommended as per forum guidelines . If it’s unsuitable for the discussion here. I will create a separate topic on forum upon feedback

I have a problem similar to yours. I am developing with nbdev for our internal git server, that’s not problem, the githooks work., but I want to store the doc as a static website that one can browse locally after a gitclone. So you would go and look at the documentation on your clone repo, opening manually the index.html on your browser. I am not very good with html and how a website works, but I would expect this to be possible,
I tried putting

doc_host = .
doc_baseurl = .

and now I get a proper render with the template of the front page (the index) but links are broken. I will dig on this tomorrow.

Some trials and errors with settings.ini and now I can build docs locally on windows 10 and on netlify. Here is my settings.ini modifications:

url = https://<name>.netlify.com

doc_host =  %(url)s

doc_baseurl =

Any other doc_baseurl like =’/’, ‘//’ will not work


Dumb question but how do we explore the docs locally after doing bundle exec jekyll build ?
I can see the contents in _site folder. When I open the index.html, it show exactly what is shown on github. However, When I click on other link, it shows file not found. The URL is file:///nbdev_template//my_module . I copy all files in _site to nbdev_template but it does not work either.

[Update]: I copy all the nbdev_template folder to / and it works. However now I need to click to index.html to force it redirect to the real page.

I’m using it on gitlab without any issues!


Easiest is to use bundle exec jekyll serve

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or type make docs_serve


Thanks for your help. I’m now encounter an error of import using nbdev. Can we remove the dot at the beginning of package ? For example I have this in the notebook
from mypackage.submodule import Submodule
using nbdev_buildlib convert it to .py as below:
from .submodule import Submodule
Can I change it to from submodule import Submodule
It is from an existing project I’m working on and the dot create error of relative import. Thanks

No, this is what makes nbdev build packages, which need relative imports. You most probably don’t have an __init__.py file in your mypackage folder if you get this error, so just create an empty one.

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I’m getting ‘no kernel named python3’ error when running nbdev_test_nbs in both fastcore and fastai2. Also, I get an “AssertionError: 'Use ‘create_config’ to create settings.ini for the first time” when running nbdev_nb2md in a fast_template.

Are the two errors related? I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing nbdev, fastcore, and fastai2. I’ve tried different environments. I tried running create_config, updating conda. No luck.

nbdev_test_nbs error:

Error in /home/travis/git/fastcore/nbs/04_transform.ipynb:
No such kernel named python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/travis/.local/bin/nbdev_test_nbs", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('nbdev', 'console_scripts', 'nbdev_test_nbs')()
  File "/home/travis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fastscript/core.py", line 73, in _f
  File "/home/travis/git/nbdev/nbdev/cli.py", line 70, in nbdev_test_nbs
    raise Exception(msg + '\n'.join([f.name for p,f in zip(passed,files) if not p]))
Exception: The following notebooks failed:

nbdev_nb2md error:

 File "/home/travis/git/nbdev/nbdev/export2html.py", line 101, in add_jekyll_notes
    styles = Config().get('jekyll_styles', 'note,warning,tip,important').split(',')
  File "/home/travis/git/nbdev/nbdev/imports.py", line 42, in __init__
    assert self.config_file.exists(), "Use `create_config` to create settings.ini for the first time"
AssertionError: Use `create_config` to create settings.ini for the first time

Solved this issue. See this thread.

Can you give more info on how to setup for building the documentation?

I was using nbdev with pypi and noticed the plots/images cannot be seen in pypi web (You can check https://pypi.org/project/nbdev/ to see the issue). I modified the setup.py to fix this with the following code and was curious to know if I should open a PR for this:

readme_content = open('README.md').read()
# ![png](docs/images/output_13_0.png)
for ext in ['png', 'svg']:
    #referencing the raw image from github, code from: 03_export2html.ipynb
    readme_content = re.sub(r'!\['+ext+'\]\((.*)\)', '!['+ext+']('+'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{}/{}'.format(cfg['user'],cfg['lib_name'])+'/'+cfg['branch']+'/\\1)', readme_content)

    name = cfg['lib_name'],
    license = lic[0],
    classifiers = [
        'Development Status :: ' + statuses[int(cfg['status'])],
        'Intended Audience :: ' + cfg['audience'].title(),
        'License :: ' + lic[1],
        'Natural Language :: ' + cfg['language'].title(),
    ] + ['Programming Language :: Python :: '+o for o in py_versions[py_versions.index(min_python):]],
    url = 'https://github.com/{}/{}'.format(cfg['user'],cfg['lib_name']),
    packages = setuptools.find_packages(),
    include_package_data = True,
    install_requires = requirements,
    python_requires  = '>=' + cfg['min_python'],
    long_description = readme_content,
    long_description_content_type = 'text/markdown',
    zip_safe = False,
    entry_points = { 'console_scripts': cfg.get('console_scripts','').split() },

Yes that’s probably worth a PR, thanks! This does not catch images introduced with HTML syntax however (see nbdev README for an example).

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I’ll check and submit the PR, thanks for the confirmation and the awesome work you guys have been doing!

Hello, I put a template to use nbdev with gitlab, using the CI to build the site!
You can check it here: https://gitlab.com/thomas.capelle/nbdev_template
@sgugger can you put this somewhere visible, it may be useful to others.

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I added it to the README/index. Thanks for putting this together!

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It is still missing the test/checks, but it builds the site.