(Eric Perbos-Brinck)
May 25, 2017, 10:20am
Many thanks for the tips to @shushi2000 and @rteja1113 .
I ended up upgrading to Python 3.6 and Keras 2.0 for Part#2 and used updated notebooks from @Robi .
A quick update for those using epoch time on Cell #7 of lesson1.ipynb as a benchmark for setup (@RogerS49 , @stephenl , @kzuiderveld , @brendan ).
After upgrading to Python 3.6 and Keras 2.0 for Part #2 (Part #1 use Python 2.7 and Keras 1.22), I used @Robi updated notebooks.
Took just a few minutes to finetune file names here and there. like, etc
My 2015 gaming PC with i5 4690K + Z97 + 16gb ddr3 + 500gb SSD and Asus GTX 1080Ti FE used to run the epoch in 210 sec…
So far so good.
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