My fastai Journey 2023/08/14

I finally have some time and will start learning the course every night

I bought a $1000 ebay used HP OMEN computer: Ryzen 5600x, RTX3090 24G. Upgraded with a 2T SSD and 64G memory. Total cost $1260. Refresh installed windows 11 pro. I am keeping this computer running and using my mac mini to remote desktop into this windows system.

2020/08/14 Day One: Setting Up and Testing PyTorch with CUDA


Day One: Setting Up and Testing PyTorch with CUDA

In Windows 11

Starting PowerShell as Administrator

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
wsl install 
wsl --set-version 2
wsl --list --online  #This is just to check what linux are available
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04

Restart Windows and start the terminal with Ubuntu (mine is 22.04).

In WSL Ubuntu Linux Terminal

Installing Mamba Package System with Python


Creating Virtual Environment

mamba create -n ml python=3.10.12
mamba activate ml

Installing PyTorch with CUDA Support

conda install pytorch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchaudio==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

Check if cuda is installed correctly, not necessary step


Installing Fastai and Other Libraries

conda install -c conda-forge platformdirs
conda install -c fastchan fastai
conda install jupyterlab 
conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets

Running Jupyter Lab

cd ~/workspace/ml  #this is my working directory
jupyter lab

In Jupyter Lab Notebook

Testing CPU and GPU

import time
import torch
import torch.nn

def test(device, tensor_core=False):
    in_row, in_f, out_f = 256, 1024, 2048
    loop_times = 10000
    s = time.time()
    tensor  = torch.randn(in_row, in_f).to(device)
    linear_transform = torch.nn.Linear(in_f, out_f).to(device)
    if tensor_core:
        tensor = tensor.half()
        linear_transform = linear_transform.half()
    for _ in range(loop_times):
    print(f"take time:{time.time()-s}")

print('* Running on CPU:')
print('* Running on GPU Cuda Core')
print('* Running on GPU Tensor Core')
test('cuda', tensor_core=True)

My Result

* Running on CPU:
take time:33.22483038902283
* Running on GPU Cuda Core
take time:1.0972840785980225
* Running on GPU Tensor Core
take time:0.32676267623901367
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Before you get too much further into this, please check out Jeremy’s walk thru here on how to correctly set up the environment Here. Also we prefer to use Mamba instead of Conda (It’s faster). Best of Luck!


Yes, I probably should use mamba. Next time when I install another computer, I will retest my steps to switch to mamba.

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You can also use the mamba solver in conda:

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I am working on video 5. After following through the video, I tried to organize everything into a class. Here is what I have so far, this runs in my jupyter notebook. Please give advices, as this is my first time trying to write data code into more organized way.

import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from torch import tensor
from import RandomSplitter

# print and exit, for debugging purpose
def pe(*args, **kwargs):
    print(*args, **kwargs)
    raise Exception("Stopped for check")

class TitanicProj:
    CAT_COLUMNS ='Sex Pclass Embarked'.split()
    NUM_COLUMNS = 'Age SibSp Parch LogFare'.split()
    DEP_COLUMN = 'Survived'
    PROJ = 'titanic'
    TRAIN_FILE = 'train.csv'
    TEST_FILE = 'test.csv'

    def __init__(self):
        self.path = Path(self.PROJ)
        self.train_df = pd.read_csv(self.path / self.TRAIN_FILE)
        # modes is most common value, not avg
        # will be used by both train and test
        self.modes = self.train_df.mode().iloc[0] 
    def download_project(self, path):
        if not path.exists():
            import zipfile, kaggle

    # clean up a dataframe, return a new dataframe
    def clean_data(self, df_original):
        df = df_original.copy()
        # Fill all missing data with mode values
        df.fillna(self.modes, inplace=True)

        # Fare could be large, so take log to make larger number smaller
        df['LogFare'] = np.log(df['Fare']+1) 

        # create one hot encoding and add the the df.
        df, dummy_columns = self.get_dummy(df, self.CAT_COLUMNS)

        # final independent vals: num_cols + one-hot-encoded cat cols
        df = df[self.NUM_COLUMNS + dummy_columns]
        return df

    # return augumented df and dummy_column_names
    def get_dummy(self, df_original, columns):
        df = df_original.copy()
        columns_before_dummies = df.columns.tolist()
        df_with_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=columns)
        columns_after_dummies = df_with_dummies.columns.tolist()
        dummy_columns = list(set(columns_after_dummies) - set(columns_before_dummies))
        df[dummy_columns] = df_with_dummies[dummy_columns].astype(float)
        return df, dummy_columns        

    # return coeffs based on how many in_dep variables
    def gen_coeffs(self, df):
        size = df.shape[1]
        return (torch.rand(size) - 0.5).requires_grad_()

    # normalize the passed in tensor array, assuming all are float already.
    # this is modifying inplace
    def normalize(self, t):
        vals, indices = t.max(dim=0)
        t = t / vals
        return t

    def calc_preds(self, t_coeffs, t_indeps):
        return torch.sigmoid((t_coeffs*t_indeps).sum(axis=1))

    def calc_loss(self, t_coeffs, t_indeps, t_deps):
        return torch.abs(self.calc_preds(t_coeffs, t_indeps) - t_deps).mean()

    def train_valid_split(self, t_indeps, t_deps):
        trn_split, val_split = RandomSplitter(seed=42)(t_deps)
        return t_indeps[trn_split], t_indeps[val_split], t_deps[trn_split], t_deps[val_split]
    # Init the model, so that train_model can be called multiple times.
    def init_model(self):
        clean_df = self.clean_data(self.train_df)
        self.clean_columns = clean_df.columns.tolist()
        self.t_indeps = tensor(clean_df.values, dtype=torch.float)
        self.t_indeps = self.normalize(self.t_indeps)
        self.t_deps = tensor(self.train_df[self.DEP_COLUMN].astype(float))
        self.t_coeffs = self.gen_coeffs(self.t_indeps)
        self.trn_indep, self.val_indep, self.trn_dep, self.val_dep = (
            self.train_valid_split(self.t_indeps, self.t_deps)

    # Every time train model will train it further
    def train_model(self, epochs=30, lr=0.01):
        for i in range(epochs):
        return self.show_coeffs()

    def show_coeffs(self):
        return dict(zip(self.clean_columns, self.t_coeffs.clone().detach().tolist()))
    # One epoch does 3 things: 
    # 1. calc loss
    # 2. backward
    # 3. update coeffs
    def one_epoch(self, lr):
        loss = self.calc_loss(self.t_coeffs, self.trn_indep, self.trn_dep)
        with torch.no_grad():
            self.t_coeffs.sub_(self.t_coeffs.grad * lr)
        print(f"{loss:.3f}", end="; ")

    # accuracy by using validation set
    def acc(self):
        preds = self.calc_preds(self.t_coeffs, self.val_indep)
        return (self.val_dep.bool() == (preds > 0.5)).float().mean()

    # write the test result of test.csv to an output file
    def gen_test_result(self, output_csv):
        test_df = pd.read_csv(self.path / self.TEST_FILE)
        clean_df = self.clean_data(test_df)
        t_indeps = tensor(clean_df.values, dtype=torch.float)
        t_indeps = self.normalize(t_indeps)
        preds = self.calc_preds(t_indeps, self.t_coeffs)
        test_df['Survived'] = (preds > 0.5).int()
        sub_df = test_df[['PassengerId', 'Survived']]
        sub_df.to_csv(output_csv, index=False)

proj = TitanicProj()
proj.train_model(100, lr=0.3)
proj.train_model(40, lr=50)
print(f"\naccuracy: {proj.acc()}")
print(f"coeffs: {proj.show_coeffs()!r}")

output_csv = 'my_titanic_result.csv'
print(f"test result successfully written to: {output_csv}")

Here are the results

0.575; 0.570; 0.564; 0.559; 0.553; 0.547; 0.541; 0.535; 0.529; 0.523; 0.517; 0.511; 0.504; 0.498; 0.492; 0.486; 0.480; 0.474; 0.468; 0.463; 0.458; 0.452; 0.448; 0.443; 0.438; 0.434; 0.430; 0.426; 0.422; 0.418; 0.415; 0.411; 0.408; 0.405; 0.402; 0.399; 0.397; 0.394; 0.392; 0.389; 0.387; 0.385; 0.383; 0.380; 0.378; 0.376; 0.375; 0.373; 0.371; 0.369; 0.368; 0.366; 0.364; 0.363; 0.361; 0.360; 0.358; 0.357; 0.355; 0.354; 0.352; 0.351; 0.350; 0.348; 0.347; 0.346; 0.345; 0.343; 0.342; 0.341; 0.340; 0.338; 0.337; 0.336; 0.335; 0.334; 0.333; 0.331; 0.330; 0.329; 0.328; 0.327; 0.326; 0.325; 0.324; 0.323; 0.322; 0.321; 0.320; 0.319; 0.318; 0.317; 0.316; 0.315; 0.314; 0.313; 0.312; 0.311; 0.310; 0.309; 0.308; 0.231; 0.222; 0.219; 0.216; 0.214; 0.212; 0.210; 0.209; 0.208; 0.207; 0.206; 0.205; 0.204; 0.203; 0.203; 0.202; 0.202; 0.201; 0.201; 0.201; 0.200; 0.200; 0.200; 0.200; 0.199; 0.199; 0.199; 0.199; 0.199; 0.198; 0.198; 0.198; 0.198; 0.198; 0.198; 0.197; 0.197; 0.197; 0.197; 
accuracy: 0.8258426785469055
coeffs: {'Age': -1.243803858757019, 'SibSp': -1.6929728984832764, 'Parch': -0.9451086521148682, 'LogFare': 0.0632515624165535, 'Embarked_C': 1.0449289083480835, 'Pclass_2': 2.296539545059204, 'Pclass_3': -4.138270378112793, 'Embarked_Q': 2.134453535079956, 'Pclass_1': 2.275932788848877, 'Sex_female': 5.694452285766602, 'Sex_male': -5.941898822784424, 'Embarked_S': -2.785123348236084}
test result successfully written to: my_titanic_result.csv
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Thank you kind person, after 11 days of trying to get FastAi to work on a local GPU this finally worked for me.

(I tried Docker and standalone Ubuntu several times, as well as WSL a couple times. Part of the problem was that this post was not coming up in google searches and only older posts were. The problem in this space is that things become outdated very fast and since it is all open source backwards compatibility is not part of the plan).

The above instructions are starting to date as well, they throw an error when training that causes the kernel to restart.

Could not load library Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I fixed it with ChatGPT’s help as follows:

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/wsl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
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