Looking for 2018 course nbs (especially pascal-multi)

Hi all, can somebody shoot me a link to these old nbs? I can’t find them – Jeremy’s links to them in the official course wiki and forum posts are all broken :frowning: (https://github.com/fastai/fastai/tree/master/courses/dl2).

Cheers everybody!

Ditto. @mccallionr were you able to find the nb?

I didn’t find the original nb, but I did found a conversation between sgugger and a student named Dave Luo who were sharing nbs. They were working on modifying the nb for this lesson to include the mAP metric.

Link to the thread: Mean average precision (mAP)

sgugger’s nb: https://github.com/sgugger/Deep-Learning/tree/master/mAP

daveluo’s nb: https://gist.github.com/daveluo/2ab83da32e623864e543d7251e9beef4

FWIW it looks like Dave’s is more complete. Dave made sure to include any improvements that sgugger made into his own nb. Dave’s is also very much in the exploratory notebook style… Lots of space is dedicated to visualizing results. Hope this helps!

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Thanks for following up on this! Will check those notebooks out. Also found a YOLOv5 that I found quite helpful in the meantime