I don’t think you’ll have to change much.
does some more stuff than just loading the image, so it would be better to subclass it instead of Image
The problem might be within your load_raw_image
function. Maybe this will help?
def load_raw_image(fn):
ndarr -= ndarr.min() # make min 0
ndarr /= ndarr.max() # make max 1
# if you want to return a unit8 array
# scale to 0 and 255
# ndarr *= 255
# convert to uint8
# ndarr = ndarr.astype(np.uint8)
return ndarr
class PILRaw(PILBase):
_show_args = {'cmap':'viridis'}
_open_args = {'mode': 'F'} # F (32-bit floating point pixels)
def create(cls,fn:(Path,str), *args, **kwargs)->None:
return cls(load_raw_image(fn, *args, **kwargs))