Live coding 5

Today I impressed people by showing Ctrl+Z and fg trick. Thanks a lot for the live-coding, Jeremy!


Is there any trick for storing dotfiles automatically in a particular folder like Jeremy’s dotfiles repo?

I tried running ctags -R . in my paperspace terminal, and received the following warning:

ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in docs_src/js/jekyll-search.js(line: 1)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I saw that a tags file have been created. However, when I tried vim -t ArrayMask I saw the following error:

E432: Tags file not sorted: tags
E426: tag not found: ArrayMask

Can anyone give a hint on what’s going on? Thanks in advance.

Try doing cd fastai to get into the folder containing the .py files first.

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Hi, I wrote a blog based on live coding 5. In this blog, I cover vim and ctags.