Lesson4-imdb fit times

Note that the updated version of the IMDB notebook suggests downloading the data from here: http://files.fast.ai/data/aclImdb.tgz . This version already has the all folder created for you.


In the benefit of not spawning off too many threads, posting a problem I’m currently facing here.

Am currently trying out the lesson4 notebook on my Windows 10 machine + pytorch GPU (based on the latest update from Jeremy).

Came upon below error. Any ideas?

Update: Ran the same code in AWS and didn’t get the error.

this, it would be great if @jeremy could share the trained model so we dont have to run through the whole process. Thanks!

hi, I am having a similar problem where each epoch is taking around 20 minutes to run, am working on a paperspace gpu+; I am just wondering if this is normal/unavoidable or if there is something I can do to speed up the process!