Lesson 3 - Official Topic

<3 Thanks for adding an 8th lesson! Much appreciated!


What are the advantages of having square images vs rectangular ones?


You probably have as many talls images as you have wide images, so resizing to a square is kind of the mean point.


Why are images usually squished to squares? I would think that the expected aspect ratio would be best

When you use the dls.new method, what can and cannot be changed? Is it just the transforms?


How to ensure that the feature is not lost during crop/resize?


Just item_tfms and batch_tfms yes, here is the signautre:

def new(self, item_tfms=None, batch_tfms=None):

In general you have to look at a lot of images if you want to make sure nothing important is accidentally cropped out. Typically I’ll use .show_batch() and investigate a few batches.


Can qw have multiple item_tfms applied to the same dataset and create a larger dataset. How do you concatenate multiple item_tfms and does the order matter ?

How can we visualize the images after we perform the data augmentation in the batches?
if I start with 100 images, will it add more images? How can I visualize all these new images.

item_tfms do not create a bigger dataset. If you pass multiple ones, they are composed. You still have the same number of images in your dataset.

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dls.show_batch() will always show you the augmented version.


Why item_tfms and batch_tfms why not just batch_tfms ? Since all transforms are on the individual images.Or am i missing something?

Thanks, how many more pictures will add to our dataloader?

No. As their name indicates, batch_tfms are applied to a batch of images at a time.

We look at the DataBlock source code at Source Code study group and created videos for each session.


This forum post also contains multiple exmaple of DataBlock API including reading four channel images/multilabel audio/5 different single image single label similar to bears and pets examples.


Is the idea of randomResizedCrop that you’ll make multiple copies of the same photo with different parts/versions included all at once? Or are you randomResizing every photo once?

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None. You still have the same pictures. What a transform might do (if it does data augmentation) is to return a different result each time you ask for the image. But transforms do not add new raw items (aka new filenames).


Can you use methods like RandomResizedCrop to increase the size of your training set?

thank you so much