Lesson 2 - Official Topic

Are you accessing this through the Colab UI or the JupyterLab work around posted?
Can you share a screenshot?

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Thanks for the reply @imrandude Imran,
I did not try the JupyterLab Colab workaround. I was using paperspace.

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Hmm, I’m still getting the 404 error. Can you take a look and let me know what I may be doing different than you?

I’ve set up a separate repo here for the app here: https://github.com/megano/snowpeopleApp with the abbreviated .ipynb file, export.pkl, requirements.txt. This is what I’m putting in for binder, inserting the “/voila/render/” into the path URL.

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Whoops, I meant to reply to this post. Copy/pasting

Hi, I tried running your jupyter notebook. I think you might be missing a button widget creation.

Regards - Daniel

EDITED Some people got binder working with git lfs. Not sure what the difference is here, but their “.pkl” files uploaded correctly to mybinder. Their mybinder “.pkl” file sizes roughly matched their github repo sizes (eg 180 MBs).

All right, this problem was bothering me. I think I found out the reason.

binder does not support files uploaded through git lfs

Your .pkl file is uploaded through git lfs. When I got my bearApp working, I used regular git to upload my .pkl file.


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This happened to me multiple times and I have found this helpful.
Always do !git pull to update in your note book before importing any of the libraries.
Then import the stuff you want and proceed, this should work.

Thank you so much, I am having some troubles, not sure how to track it properly

careful i went down that rabbit hole but then saw this…

Apparently you can upload up to 100mb files into your repo


Are there any other solutions?

not that i know of how large is your .pkl?

180MB, maybe Starlette and Fastai API?

Eee I have no idea. Why above my knowledge base.

Good luck brother.

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I used a different resnet and I was able to export a 60Mb .pkl file but then in Binder I got 404 Unreadable Notebook: /home/jovyan/Solids_Deploy.ipynb NotJSONError('Notebook does not appear to be JSON: ‘{\n “cells”: [\n {\n “cell_type”: "c…’) like @gansme I guess

Ive been trying to upload my repo to binder but after I hit launch nothing happens…no build logs

I had my adblocker on but now I am getting a 404:Page not found :frowning:

Got the 404 page because my code was off
I took out:
so loadloaner is just the .pkl file

Good luck people I spent hours on this - learned a lot

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Did you get it to work or are you still having issues? If you’re having issues what part of the process isn’t working?

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The only way to make it works, is to use this repository and change the export.pkl and the notebook. https://github.com/albertotono/bear_voila

I took it from the course repository, in that case it works:
test my model:

cube Vs parallelepiped.
Upload your sketch :wink: enjoy



is this your original pkl file? i remember you said it was 180MB

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Hi all, here are all the tips I recommend to get your binder voila app working.

Edited git-lfs uploaded files work (seems like csw and albertotono got it working). But you need to double check the whole file uploaded onto binder. There was one instance where the binder uploaded “.pkl” file was ~133 bytes instead of in 10s-100s of MBs.

  1. Double check you have all the functions, and a path defined in your jupyter notebook. What I did to my code.
  1. use a small model such as resnet18 at the beginning. When the voila app is working on binder, then try a bigger model

  2. Make sure you have all the right files in the github repo
    (the jupyter notebook, .pkl file, and requirements.txt)

  3. Try your files out on mybinder before doing the voila option. For example, you can just include your repo, but leave “Path to a notebook file” blank. This lets you debug on the mybinder server similar to your local jupyter notebook or colab

  4. Now try voila on binder. Change from file to URL. So you see, path to “URL to open (optional)”. If everything goes well, you should see only your app.


git-lfs 100% works with binder.


No this is a worse model unfortunately, but I will try with the new one soon.

Yes confirmed git lfs works 100% with Binder

my model was 180Mb


it is amazing…thank you @csw and all