Lesson 2 import failures

Now everything works!! Thank you @daschumacher @jingsong !:kissing_closed_eyes:


Congrats @tinapeng for your tenacity, and @jingsong and @daschumacher for your clear and helpful descriptions!

I can’t import libraries from “fastai.imports” on AWS. (I don’t have problem doing the same import locally)
That is I got the following error when I run “from fastai.imports import *” on AWS

Does anyone know what might go wrong? Where/what/how should I look at when having this error?
(Update. Problem solved by running “sudo apt install python-qt4” Terence posted in another thread…)

If you look at the forums you will see a post from me with that exact error. Did you try a search before you posted your question?

Thanks, Terence. I saw your post before, but I am so stupid that I didn’t realize that’s the solution.