Lesson 12 (2019) discussion and wiki

Mental note, I don’t think that adapt_model automatically handles changing the number of channels based on the new data, just the number of outputs - we should look at modifying it to support that for audio, @zachcaceres @ste.


if batch norm causes problems, is there any point in using it with transfer learning?

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If it’s in your pretrained model, then you don’t have any choice.

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What is the best way to convert these models with custom heads into core ml model?

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‘track_running_stats’ , saw this in pytorch … its helpful

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track running stats is different: it’s to update the inner average mean/std. Jeremy was talking about training the learnable parameters.

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You could try to use ONNX format. PyTorch supports exporting into CoreML. (See this tutorial also).

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oh ok , thanks …

You can export the PyTorch model and convert it to CoreML the same way as if it had not been customized.

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Still trying to wrap my head around how I could use mixup on Tabular data…


taking backup of your good code helps :slight_smile:

probably using embeddings, but not sure…

Along the same lines of what Jeremy is talking about right now - is it possible to have a TDD approach when doing deep learning?

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Say more…
Linear combinations of numerics, datetimes, and one-hot encoded categorical variables seem pretty straightforward, no?


Is there any work around building open source simulators/debuggers that can help debug the kinds of issues that Jeremy just described without having to spend $$$?

I don’t even know if this is possible! Just curious.

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Quote of the day (month? year?):
“Training models sucks. And deep learning is a miserable experience and you shouldn’t do it.” - Jeremy Howard


Reminder to upvote & ask questions here for the last 10 minutes of class:

For what it’s worth, I’ve heard Jeremy say this several times now: he’s worked a lot with TDD in the past, but in DL he seems to prefer working with notebooks which is in itself a kind of micro-TDD, if you have the discipline to check everything as you progress like he just mentioned.


What does Jeremy mean by scientific journal? Is it a file where all code goes by date? What is the best way to keep that?


What does Jeremy mean when he says “lab notes”? Is it a physical paper notebook he records stuff on? Or is there some software he’s using to record experiments/results/progress?

Edit: @maxim.pechyonkin same question at the same time! :raised_hands: