Lesson 1 In-Class Discussion

What happened if you do

and after few days you do it again?

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you do
git pull


@gerardo do “git pull” to get latest changes

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I don’t know but it probably won’t be good.

If you already cloned the repo, just cd into the fastai folder and do a > git pull to get the latest of everything.

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Its because you do not have isoweek installed on your system. Please do pip install isoweek or conda install isoweek, and try again, problem should be resolved

If you’re cloning it in the same directory where you cloned it previously, you’ll get an error saying “destination already exists”.
I think you want to ask about updating the local repository? In that case, do a git pull inside the fastai directory to get changes.


Hey Team 154 buddies!
@vikram , @Vishucyrus, @vrajjshah, @hungle9, @kora

I tried conda but it isn’t a conda package. I had tried pip3, but since my environment has 3.5 installed it isn’t recognizing it.

International fellows: let us know if there are any problems with the stream

stream is good!


no problem for now.

It’s great here.

environment should be 3.6 … and if so, you should just do a “pip install” and it will use the right python

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Hey @KevinB, to ensure that pip3 is from the conda env you created, check using
which pip3 , if is is from the environment, then isoweek can be installed in the save environment using
\pip3 install isoweekand it should be found in the directoryyourenvname/ib/python/site-packages/`

Hope this helps!

Good from India. :+1:

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Conda installation has messed up with my virtualenvs :frowning:
It “overwrites” the deactivate command.

Great here in Brazil =)

Good here in Melbourne

This worked from @skorpio11

Could you please zoom into your face a little bit more, @Jeremy? :slight_smile: