Kaggle Comp: Plant Seedlings Classification

No problem!

Hey i know its silly…
But how do you divide the train folder into valid (i mean getting everything perfectly into sub-folders).

I did it manually
200 images per category for training
the rest for validation.

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hmmm I would love to know if there’s any shortcut script if someone wrote it…
else I know what to do next :wink:

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I created a CSV using python and then used from_csv.


I also wrote a script to create a labels.csv file with headers file,species.

from glob2 import glob
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["file", "species"])

for image in glob("train/**/*.png"):
    dir_ = image.split('/')
    file_, species = dir_[-1], dir_[-2]

    df = df.append({
        "file": file_,
        "species": species
        }, ignore_index=True)

df.to_csv('labels.csv', index=False)

Then, you can use the from_csv method.

Once you are done creating labels.csv, don’t forget to remove the species folders in train. Keep the images, remove the folders.


@jeremy ok got you…:slight_smile:


Wow you killed it! What architecture are you using, if I may ask?


Resnet50…how about you?

Also resnet50. Oddly enough I found Resnext50 and Nasnet both a little worse (Resnext50 was better on validation, but worse when submitted).

I tried resnext50 first cause I also thought it would do better, but kept getting cuda out of memory errors on fine-tuning so thats how I ended up resorting to resnet50…will test out a few others. Also still need to train rn50 with all the data or cv, this is just one fold for now

Wow that’s impressive - mine is trained with all data.

To train the bigger models I decreased the batch size. For Nasnet I need bs=12 on a 16GB P3!

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Hey how did you include metrics in?
This is what i tried to do.

from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
def meanfscore(y_pred, targ):
    return f1_score(targ, y_pred, average='micro')

learn.fit(0.01, 5, metrics=[meanfscore])

This should work but it’s throwing a weird error.

ValueError: Classification metrics can't handle a mix of multilabel-indicator and continuous-multioutput targets

Personally, I didn’t use f1_score as a metric during training. I just used regular accuracy. The LB is scored by f1 based on the predictions you submit.


log_preds,y = learn.TTA()
preds = np.exp(log_preds)
preds = np.argmax(log_preds, axis=1)
metrics.f1_score(data.val_y, preds, average=‘micro’)

I used this code to calculate the f1_score but I would like to add it the learn.fit but does not seems to be working.

I cannot believe it 10th place :medal_military::trophy:

I have been using Kaggle for 2 years and this is the first time that I can accomplish this

Thanks @jeremy


Just there. Thanks @jeremy


Yup Can’t believe it either Thanks @jeremy and @jamesrequa
So top 4 is officially fastai students and community.
This I didn’t even used the whole training set…I think i can still get a bump using Kstratified CV
and using my full training set.



Can someone share the accuracy / top 1 error rate for their model?


Here’s mine:
best validation loss 0.08718
best accuracy 0.97656